
At Home insemination

Has anyone had great sucsess with insemination at home. if so what were the circumstances? Fertility drugs? How many cycles did it take? Would you recommend it to someone else? I'm concerned about using donor sperm where there are no pregnancies but I am really set on a particular donor.


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    i have never tried the at-home route-- we went to the doc and had it done and it worked first try. (no drugs/hormones were needed.) i would recommmend that route, as it seems there is too much room for error when trying at home. i think you have to buy your own "tools" for the job, it could be messy, you could time it wrong, you may not know if you thawed it too much or too little.. we decided to not even try it at home cuz we knew the chances were higher if a doc did it, which in the end would cost less $. we had the vial shipped directly to the doc's office, and i even had an ultrasound to make sure the timing was just right. (i had done the ovulation pee strips too, which i found were accurate as well).
    those are just my thoughts... Good luck!
    Lisa, 8 mos preggo w/11403!
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    It's good to hear some positive results especially the first time. I definitely will go to the doctor's office but i've been discouraged by reading how many times it takes for some women to get pregnant. Thanks for sharing and good luck to you!
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    no prob.. and i know what you mean about feeling discouraged before even trying. i was like that too, but my partner kept reminding me to think positively!! i'm not sure how old you are and your health and all that, but if you're over 35 or so it MAY take a little longer, or if you have any sort of issues that need to be addressed it may take more tries, but i've heard MANY first time success stories for young healthy women! it's all in the timing really! good luck!!!
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    If you are young and healthy there is no reason to go waste money at the Dr. If you time correctly it should work. My partner and I are TTC #3 right now- all our kids are conceived at home so that it is as close to the "old fashion way" as possible.. very special
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