Donor 13386


Is there any information you can share about donor 13386? We are considering using this donor. Does he look more like Chris Pratt or Marty Casey or a mix of both? By the looks he is fairly new. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Karen and Kelli


  • Hi K&K,

    Yes, Donor 13386 is new and has been available for less than 2 months.

    Overall, I think Donor 13386 has more of a Chris Pratt vibe, but he's a mix of both. The lower half of his face resembles Chris Pratt, while the top half of his face(namely the eyes and eyebrows) resemble Marty Casey. His features and skin tone are also on the lighter side closer to Marty Casey's.


  • Nicole,

    Thanks for the info. Do you have any info on whether his hair is lighter strawberry blonde or darker? Any idea on sperm count and motility? His baby pictures are adorable!

  • Hi K&K -

    You're welcome. If you like his childhood photos, I'm sure that you would be very pleased with his looks now.

    His hair is a couple shades darker(I'm guessing if he's in sunlight you'd see more of the orangey tones) and his blue eyes are absolutely stunning. The childhood photo of him in the white sweatshirt is a pretty good example of his eye color and long lashes, but as an adult his eyes stand out even more. If you can imagine that child with more of an oval-shaped face, more of a manly haircut (no more bowl cut), and some facial hair, that's the ruggedly handsome man that he is today.

    He has IUI premium vials available which will have at least 10 million motile sperm after thawing.


  • Thank you Nicole. He is our pick for sure! We bought his express yourself and donor conversation and I can say we loved it! We are very excited as our next IUI attempt is just a few weeks away. Oh do you know if he has any twins in his medical history?

  • Hi K&K -

    How exciting!

    Donor 13386 reported on the extended profile that he does not have twins or triplets in his family.

    Best of luck with everything!


  • Thank you. We had our IUI procedure and just feel very differently about this one than we have in the past. Hoping he is a good match! The nurse did say she has never seen such good, strong swimmers and it was a majority of them, not just some.

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