

Has 14315 had more then five pregnancies?


  • Options
    Hi E -

    Donor 14315 has 5 or more reported pregnancies.

    He is down to his final 15 vials. If you are considering this donor for future inseminations, this will be your only chance to purchase all the vials you need.

    It's important to decide now if you would like to have biological siblings. If so, you can purchase and store vials for future use. We provide free storage with the purchase of 5 or more vials as part of our Family Today & Family Tomorrow program: https://cryobank.com/Services/Additional-Services/Family-Today---Family-Tomorrow/

    Just in case your plans change, for vials kept in CCB storage we offer a 50% Buyback and Vial Exchange program: https://cryobank.com/Services/Additional-Services/

    Unfortunately, many clients only focus on their first pregnancy and when they come back to us months or years later because they want to give their child a sibling, there are no vials left. Some choose a different donor, while others choose not to have another child.

    I just wanted to present you with these different options so you can make the best decision based on your needs.

    Best of luck!

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