13433, 13944, 14110
Posts: 5
Can you please share number of pregnancies and number of births for these donors? Thanks!
We can share if a donor has more or less than 5 reported pregnancies and if a donor has reported births.
Please note that this information is linked to how long a donor has been available on our catalog and the popularity of his characteristics.
Donor 13433 - 5 or more reported pregnancies/ yes births reported
Donor 13944 - 5 or more reported pregnancies / no births reported - Limited vials available!
Donor 14110 - Less than 5 reported pregnancies/ no births reported (he was added to our catalog about 10 months ago)
I wanted to wait till I had a good hcg level to let you know that I just got BFP with donor 14110. I don't recall the concentration of the vial but know that it was good - and the mobility was 100%! I am just 4wks along but I can tell you 14110 worked for me!
Hoping for a high hcg.
Hi, do you have any more vials of donor 13433 by chance? We have a child from this donor and are looking for more IUI or ICI vials.