Donors 11493, 12235, and 12144

I was wondering how many reported pregnancies and losses for #'s 11493, 12235, and 12144. I used 05440 08/29/10 and became pregnant on my first medicated IUI attempt; however, I lost the baby. The doctor believes that with me being O+ and 05440 being A-, some compatibility issues may have played a part. So now onto an O+ donor. I know misacrriages just happen, but it would ease my mind to know the stats on the aforementioned donors. My husband and I are leaning towards 11493, so hopefully his stats are good! Thank you!


  • Hi Latimer -

    I am very sorry for your loss. It is a sad and frustrating part of this process. The unfortunate reality is that your experience is not unusual as somewhere around 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage (natural conception included) -- often times before the woman even realizes she is pregnant.

    You being O+ and 5440 being A- is not relevant to the fetus. If it were the other way around it could potentially be a minor issue which many people deal with all the time by taking a simple shot of Rogam before any invasive procedure or delivery. Changing donors will not impact the chances of another loss.

    For the record, 5440 has the exact same number of losses and more healthy births than the other three donors combined. If you and your husband are comfortable with 5440, I wouldn't advise making a change. Success on the first try is rare and superstitiously I would stick with what is working (not that a different donor wouldn't give you the exact same odds of success). Of course you could argue that superstitiously you may want to change donors as well.

    Either way, I want to make sure you have all the information to be completely comfortable with your decision.

    If you do decide to switch, please contact our Genetics Department at 877-743-6384 for more details on these specific donors.

    You can also email me any additional questions at and I am happy to forward them to our Medical Director.

    Good luck,

  • Thanks. I will definitely contact the Genetics Department to talk about the stats and talk to my RE about it too. I had good luck with 5440, and miscarriages do happen. Hopefully 5440 will be lucky again. Thanks Scott!
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