Pregnant? Really...WOW!
My partner, Cheryl, and I looked into adoption first before we started on this route. Backwards, huh? She is diabetic and I am a cancer survivor, so really, adoption seemed the option. After a lot of discouraging research, we decided to check what my odds would be for pregnancy. Went to the oncologist first, and Superman said go for it, but do it quick. My thyroid was damaged from radiation and I had 6 months of chemo that sent me into 8 months of menopause (medically treated and reversed). Made a trip to see my OB/Gyn- she ran every test in the book- said go for it, lets get started next month... do you hear the clock ticking? So, of course we went to the endocrynologist as quickly as we could get an appointment. Inseminated 2 months later, and pregnant on the first try. We hope that everything is good and that we beat the buzzer. We have our first US on Jan. 14th... Grant me patience....
congratulations and keep us posted!