Any Success with Donor 12215?

Hello, I see a lot of questions about 12215...has anyone out there used this donor and had success? Would appreciate any information you can give me regarding this donor!
Thank you!!


  • Mer1mer2 I got your email, thanks! I don't have any additional info other than I asked CCB about pregnacies and there have been, but no births as of yet. I believe this is due to the fact that the donor was just released in early 2010, April I think. He's pretty new still and has the same chances as an older donor, they just have time on their side for the stats. I've purchased vials on this donor and will be using him this cycle. I don't think there were any reported pregnancies until October of 2010 although I don't know how many. I'll have to double check my post to see what CCB said exactly...
  • This is what Scott said... If vials weren't purchased or used right away after release, the pregnancies may not have come to full term yet to report births. From what I've read on here so far, popularity seems to come in waves!!!

    RE: 11089, 12100 & 12215
    01/07/11 10:13 AM

    11089 More than 5 of each (1st release 4/07)
    12100 More than 5 pregnancies, less than 5 births (1st release 12/09)
    12215 Less than 5 pregnancies, no births (1st release 4/10)

    As you can see, reported pregnancies and births are only related to how long a donor has been available. They have zero relevance to your chances of a successful pregnancy. All CCB donors are highly screened for semen quality (among all the other things) and are equally capable of contributing to a successful pregnancy.


  • Thank you so much for the information...I REALLY appreciate it. I guess I got a little nervous because I really want it to work and trying to control the outcome (even though I know I cant :).
    We purchased this donor and will be using him in early March. :)
    Would you mind keeping me posted on your cycle? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and wishing you the best! I know what a roller coaster of emotions this can be.
    All my good thoughts and wishes sent your way!
    Thank you again! :)
  • Sure, no problem... I'm still anxiously waiting for my day 1!!! I was a little nervous too because he's new but I really liked everything about him and happens to be my highest match when I ran my donor search. He was just simply meant to be!
  • I'm very excited for you! Isn't the waiting part nerve racking?
    I know time is flying when it comes to everything else...but waiting for the cycle to begin is so hard. I start with my meds in a couple of weeks and then we are looking at the first week of March doing the procedure. I'm very excited. :)
    We liked this donor too! He seems great! Hopefully we "dance" well together. ;)
  • Yes! The waiting is killing me! I have no idea how I'm gonna handle my 2ww! Sounds like you'll probably be about a week or so behind me. I hope he dances well with both of us!!!!
  • I completely understand about the waiting. I start my meds on Saturday and I'm so excited! 2 weeks with meds and then the big day! When do you start? Did you already have "him" shipped? I need to call this weekend to have that arranged. Need to get him safely out east.
    Here's to great dancing vibes for both of us ~~~~>> :) :)
  • I FINALLY got my day one yesterday!!! Clomid starts tomorrow! Looks like you're just a day ahead of me. I've already purchased my swimmers and they've already been shipped. My RE has the facilities to store them for me so I've already shipped all 3 vials. What kind of meds are you going to be using?
  • My partner and I are going to be using 12215 as well, hoping to start in the next month or so. We are curious if anyone can tell us about the pregnancy rate is using fertility drugs/iui when there is no reason for infertility - we are using iui because we are married lesbians. So we were just wondering if by using the fertility drugs, hcg shot and all that has a higher pregnancy rate than someone who has not been able to get pregnant by other methods.

    We would also love to be updated on your progress if you are willing to share. We are very new to all of this and still have lots of questions!!!!!


    Natalie and Tommie
  • Wow MGALBN! We are a day apart with the cycle! According to my protocol I have about 9-12 days on meds, depending how my eggs look. :) So that puts us with transfer between march 3-5.
    My husband and I are doing IVF. My husband has really low numbers along with low morphology and low motile sperm :( so this is our 3rd IVF but first time using donor. We are very hopeful that 3rd time will be a charm! I'm on Gonolof and menopur right now. I'm taking 3 shots a day. But all worth it!

    Hi Natalie and Tommie!! I'm not sure the pregnancy rate using fertility drugs...the reason I'm using drugs is to get lots of eggs so when they take them out (IVF) I'll have more chances of getting an embryo. :) My last 2 we didn't get any embryos :(. I don't think using drugs increases your chances...I think it depends on your situation and what you need. I wish you guys the best of luck!! :) I'm new to the donor thing too but very hopeful. I will keep you posted!
  • So far all of our tests have come back normal. So we are hopeful this isn't too long of a journey! But we wish you luck as well!
  • 2week wait! Wish us luck!
  • Baby dust to all of you! I'm in the 2ww too and I'm going NUTS... I think I'm gonna take a test tonight. I know its only day 7 and my trigger shot will probably give me a false positive still, but I feel like I have to do something!!!!

    @Tommie I went with a medicated IUI because I only have so much of a budget and they do improve your chances of becoming pregnant. I don't know exact stats but I do know that injectables have a much better success rate over oral drugs and IVF proceedures have much better success over IUIs. I'm assuming REs would start you out with the lowest possible (pills/IUI)and progress from there if no success. I also used the trigger shot again to not waste time and money wondering and waiting when I was going to ovulate. I was looking for the most controlled window of time I could get. Clomid, ultrasound, trigger shot then IUI was my RE's basic standard plan. Not sure if any of that helps, but I hope so!
  • Good luck to you too! Very excited for you. I am completely there with you.....I am going crazy. Worried and excited at the same time. I'm very nervous. I keep looking for any symptoms. I'm on day 5 post transfer. So I have a ways to go. I find out mar 22. Keep me posted and I'll be sending lots of good vibes your way!
  • updates????????????????
  • Yes yes yes! I'm 11 weeks right now. I have my first 12 week check up next week. We are very excited...nervous but happy. I'm sorry I have not responded sooner...its been a crazy few months.
    Hope all is well with you! Sending lots of good vibes your way. :)
  • My partner and i tried with this donor last month and got pregnant but after 3 weeks we lost it. trying again tomorrow. weve seen a few others in the same boat so were a little scared. trying to stay positive but if it happens again were thinking of switching donors. we know there have been a few pregnancies but does anyone know of a birth from this donor yet?
  • I'm sorry to hear that.
    If it helps ease your fears I'm now 18 weeks pregnant, got all the genetic tests back and everything looks good. The baby is doing well, heartbeat is strong so everything seems so far so good.
    Don't give up! Good Luck!!
  • I am expecting a baby boy with donor 12215 in March 2012. Did anyone have success with this donor? I would love to connect with people who used this donor.
  • I am about to have a baby boy to donor 12215 in March 2012. Is there anyone out these who had a baby using this donor?
  • I am 14 weeks pregnant with 12215. Got back the materniT21 results. None of the chromosomal abnormalities tested for were present and the baby is a boy. All looks great so far!