Pregnant on first try with 13779!

If this pregnancy lasts I'll be due towards the beginning of March. I used two vials. Each had very good motility and were a ten million count. Anyone else pregnant or trying?


  • Congrats!
  • Oh Sweettheartt I am so happy for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It's been a long road and this time it will finally end with a perfect rainbow for you. I am just so happy for you right now.
  • Oh A Walton this one just ended this week in a chemical pregnancy. Long rough road not over. So sad. What's happening with you?
  • Sweettheartt - have you ever been tested for MTHFR? (A blood clotting disorder.) That's known to cause multiple early pregnancy losses. If you haven't, you should talk to your doctor about getting checked, the fix can be relatively easy.
  • Oh no. I am so sorry. I know all to well what your going through. This journey is the hardest journey of our lives.

    Nothing going much here. I just had my second opinion with Dr. Sher of SIRM. He said what I was thinking about my last 3 protocols. But I can't dwell on them. I have a 3rd opinion come up on 7/18/14. I expect to try to get into a IVF cycle in late September. I think I am choosing to do embryo banking to maximize my chances before going donor egg route.

    I will keep you in my prayers. Keep me posted.
  • Yes have MTHFR but the drs, I went to four, claim it's a bogus diagnoses and won't treat it with blood thinners, and keep claiming its a chromosome issue, though they have no proof of it. Very frustrating. I am on the methylfolate and baby aspirin now at least.
  • Wow Sweettheartt, I'm sorry to hear that! If it were me and I had your history of losses, I would tell my doctor to humor me and prescribe the thinners, or I'd keep looking until I found a doctor who would take it seriously because your history is pretty much proof that MTHFR could be a real issue. I hope that your next try is the one. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this!
  • Ok just had a cover station with my RE that refused prior to put me on blood thinners and now he agreed to 12 weeks. I'm happy about that. At least it's something.
  • I'm looking to connect with others who may have children from #13779. I have a beautiful baby boy born 01/04/17
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