Progesterone Gel Suppositories

Hello all,

I am on my 4th IUI TWW, first time with injectibles and changed donor. RE has me on progesterone gel suppositories for the first time as well. I don't have low progesterone, and I'm not a big fan of them. Has anyone not taken them and still had a BFP? Can anyone share your experiences on progesterone. Much appreciated! :)


  • Have you ever miscarried?

    Do you know the thickness of your lining?

    I am certain someone hasn't taken them and received a BFP but before you discontinue use ask your RE why they were prescribed.

    I had a BFN but my dr prescribed progesterone at 7dpiui, which was suppose to be around implantation, not because it was low but had dropped slightly.

    Best wishes. I have my second iui next week
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