Donor 13512
Posts: 5
Hi, I am looking for the number of reported pregnancies for this donor as well as whether they were due to ICI vs. IUI vials. The most recent sperm/motility count information would be great as well.
We can share if the donor has more or less than 5 reported pregnancies. Donor 13512 currently has less than 5 reported pregnancies.
ICI vials contain at least 15 million motile sperm post-thaw (pre-wash) and IUI vials contain at least 10 million motile sperm post-thaw.
This donor only has a couple ICI vials available and less than 25 IUI vials available. He completed our donor program and will not be donating anymore vials. Please keep this in mind when placing your order. Our family planning programs provide free storage to help you secure vials for your insemination process and any future siblings.
Did you end up selecting donor 13512. If so, did you have a successful cycle? I have purchased three vials and am scheduled to do my first IVF cycle next month.
I did one ICI insemination with this donor in January and had a BFP! It was my first try but unfortunately resulted in a miscarriage. I am scheduled for another try later this month. Good luck to you!!
I have also had two BFPs from this donor. Both resulted in miscarriages.
I have since then switched donors. Perhaps we were not compatible!
Best of luck to you!