
BFP 13615

Just wanted to let you all know that on my third IUI with donor 13615 I got pregnant! I'm 5 weeks 3 days today. Fingers crossed it is an uneventful 9 months.


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    That is totally exciting . I'm gonna be 30 In a few weeks. Single by choice . Have wanted a baby for so long and I am really thinking of giving the IUI a shot . Can you tell me how you started the process ? Anything is helpful!
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    I spoke with ob/gyn and primary doctor. My primary doctor encouraged me to move forward. My ob/gyn dr referred me to a fertility dr got testing. If have my first iui may/June
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    Congrats grizgirl! I am currently 31 weeks pregnant by 13615 with a baby boy. I would love to stay in touch and hear about your pregnancy!
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    Hey gals, Unfortunately I had a miscarriage. So devastated. So I will be picking a new donor and trying again next month.

    MzzSteph- I just went to my OB. I have PCOS and my cycles are irregular so she put me on Femara. So it went cycle day 3-7 take Femara. After that start using ovulation predictor kits (I use Wondfo cheapies from Amazon) everyday. When it was getting closer I'd test 3 times a day. The day after I got a positive I'd go in for my IUI. The trickiest part for me was timing my specimen getting shipped. Where I live no one has storage for that. So initially it was hard, by the third time I had a better idea when I ovulated. I think it is wonderful that you want to start the process!

    kjs14- congratulations! I'm not surprised you're having a boy lol! Lots of boys in that donor's family. I know you are going to have a wonderful son!
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    I'm just seeing your post grizgirl I'm so sorry that's devastating! I'm sending you lots of good vibes for when you try again !!
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