
IUI timing?

Hi everyone. My DP and I have been trying at home doing ICIs for the past three cycles, and now I'm going to try my first IUI. I'm a little frustrated with the fertility clinic because they seem to want me to come in for daily ultrasounds. I'm a teacher so leaving work everyday for mid-day appointments is nearly impossible. I just got a faint OPK positive today, and decided to forgo coming in for yet another ultrasound (I had a 18mm follicle yesterday) and wait until tomorrow. We based that on the fact that usually after a positive OPK my temp doesn't rise for 2-3 days. Now of course I'm stressing that I may have made the wrong decision. This is also the first cycle that I've taken Clomid and I don't know how much that will affect what is usual for me. For those of you who have had IUIs - how does your doc work the timing? How many hours after an OPK positive? I know it's very individual but hearing other people's experiences always makes me feel better..
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