Known donor: how to streamline the process as much as possible?

Hi, all -
My partner and I have recently decided to have a baby, and I'm overwhelmed by the logistics of all this. (We are using a known donor, my brother-in-law, and that seems to make the process a lot more complicated!)We have tried a couple of rounds of at-home insemination, but he lives a few hours away, so that's not easy to coordinate on an ongoing basis.

Because he lives in Sacramento, and has a crazy work schedule, it's hard for him to get down to Palo Alto (or SF or Berkeley), so I'm hoping to minimize his trips. So I'm wondering how to minimize his trips, and what can be bypassed and how.

We are going to have my local OB's office do the IUI, and they have provided donor consent forms for my brother-in-law (donor) and me to sign, as well as lab forms for the necessary tests. We have the form to waive the 6-month quarantine, and from what I understand, the physician who is performing the actual insemination is most liable and can determine the requirements, is that correct?

So my OB's office is requiring us to complete the forms, and said once we do that and get the lab work they've requested (within 7 days of the first donation)then we are ready to proceed with the IUI. (They've referred me to California Cryobank for him to make his donations then have them shipped to my OBs office.) I see a set of requirements on CA Cryo's site for known donors, some of which are slightly different. Does or can my OB's office requirements override that?

Essentially, I'd like to handle required forms and lab work as per my OB office's request, and then have brother-in-law be able to just go and donate, with the minimum number of trips to Palo Alto. Is this possible?

I really appreciate any info/guidance - time is of the essence here, as I know it is for most of us in this situation!
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