
Any luck with Donor 13924

I tried two IUI with another donor and now have to switch on my next try to Donor 13924. Any success after 2 IUI's? Site says he has pregnancies, but couldn't find anything on the message boards. Starting to lose hope and this might be last try....


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    Not as of yet... cycle IV for us, same donor! Good luck to you.
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    We are trying with this donor as well but not until Feb or March IVF cycle. Good luck!
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    We are beginning the process with IUI from 13924 this month. Any updates from anyone in this thread?
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    We are doing an IUI this month with donor 13924 and would be interested in any updates.
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    I go in for insemination on the 27th and will post updates. Good Luck!!
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    I tried a double IUI last month with this donor. Doctor said this donor had good numbers and specimen looked great under microscope. I will try again with this donor next month.
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    I would love to keep in touch with any of you trying with this donor. Anyone interested in corresponding, here is my email address: alsta2121@yahoo.com Thanks
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    We just did our second IUI with this donor, now 4 dpiui. I felt like my body went through a massive adjustment after the first IUI - like puberty all over again; my (optimistic) take is that my body was waking up to it's fertile potential and getting ready to do this for real. Fingers crossed.
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    I ovulated early and am 5 dpiui. This is our first attempt. Good luck!
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    We are about to purchase vials for 13924 and would like to see if any of the above couples were able to conceive, if you don't mind me asking. We want to ensure this donor has strong counts and a high success rate. Thanks!
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    I will find out next week if mine was successful. I plan on testing around the 7th. My doc did say the specimen looked great but I didn't ask counts. As I posted above, feel free to email me if you'd like to chat in more detail. Good luck!
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    Thanks all. We will be inseminating later this month and would love to stay in contact with anyone who conceives. Good luck all!
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    Hey AliCat- Any luck for you this month? We hope to inseminate next week. My wife is on her last day of Clomid and have another scan Friday.
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    No luck for me this month. Unfortunately, I believe we inseminated too early. 2nd IUI will be next week. Good luck!
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    We received a flashing smiley face for ovulation all day today and are scrambling to see is our Dr can get us in tomorrow and having to call CCB with a urgent need... Does anyone know if a 48 hour wait for IUI after first positive OPK is too late?
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    We are set for our second IUI this Thursday after a BFN earlier this month. Things re looking hopefully with 4 large follicles, but just hoping 1 takes! IUI is Thursday and will find out 2 weeks after or AF visits. Thinking of you all on your journey and hope to see some BFP's soon!
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    We just completed our 4th unsuccessful IUI cycle with this donor :( The frustration and disappointment have been much more intense than I ever anticipated. We had planned to switch donors at this point if we hadn't yet been successful, and we are going to do that, but instead of Cal Cryo we are going with a known donor and fresh semen. At least this way the success rate is higher and the cost (significantly) lower - so perhaps we'll minimize some of the stress factors we experienced.
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    We are going in for our 3rd IUI middle of next week. Like you said Elizabethc29, it gets harder and harder seeing it not work, not knowing why and knowing the cost. We too will change donors if this one doesn't take and more than likely take a break. They say the average attempts is 3, so we are hoping that is spot on. Best of luck to you all. Ill try and update if this one doesn't take.
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    I banked 5 vials from this donor and used 2. I know he is out and no more are expected. If anyone is doing family planning or looking for this donor, feel free to email me. alsta2121@yahoo.com Thanks!!
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    Hi I used 13924 for IVF and had 2 beautiful 10 cell embryos implanted and froze one. Did not have to use ICSI. I'm in my 2WW and 14dp3dt. My beta is the day after tomorrow. For the past 3 days I've had definite positive HPTs. So it looks promising. We will see!
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    @ MelandErin....

    Any success on your 3rd IUI?! My wife and I are on round 3 right now....On 150mg Clomid this cycle w/ pregnyl trigger shot...hope this is it!
    Did you get your BFP...?!?!?!?!

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    Got pregnant for a short while..betas were increasing but my ultrasound last week didn't look promising :(. Gestational and yolk sac but couldn't see the fetal pole and no trace of the other embryo. I'm almost 7 weeks. But my doc said it wasn't the sperm but i'm not sure.... Haven't decided yet what to do for another cycle.
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    Hello ladies, I got my BFP with 13924 on my second IUI. First BETA was today and things are looking great at 75.This journey has been long, sometimes discouraging but remain hopeful it will happen. I plan on joining the sibling registry so looking forward to connecting with other mommies. Baby dust to everyone.
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