
Pregnant 40 and older?

After my third failed IUI at 40 I'm starting to doubt my ability to get pregnant. I don't have any known fertility issues but I'm starting to get seriously discouraged. Some success stories from ladies 40 and older would be very encouraging.


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    I swear you took the works right out of my mouth nriley. You and I are in the same boat. I also would love to read some encouraging stories from from 40+ers
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    Hi---I haven't posted in a while, so I'll give an update that hopefully will give you some encouragement. I underwent my first insemination at the end of January at age 40 and 7 months. I did one IUI procedure at my doctor's office, after being on 50 mg of Clomid and using the digital OPK. I did also have the vaginal ultrasound to check my follicles, and from what I recall, I had just a couple that were good candidates that cycle. When I got the smiley face one day around noontime, I called my doctor and they had me come in the next day, about 26 hours later. It was successful, and I got a BFP when I tested for the first time 16 days later (on Valentine's Day.) I have had a very easy pregnancy, with no complications or morning sickness. I turned 41 in June, and I am currently 36 weeks pregnant, due to give birth to a little girl on Oct. 23rd. I did amniocentesis several months back, and everything came back perfect and healthy. I visited my RE for the first time exactly a year ago, in Sept. and now I am about to give birth just a year later. I give her alot of credit, because she immediately had me undergo various tests, such as blood and hormonal tests, as well as an HSG procedure. The HSG revealed I had open tubes but a very sizable polyp in my uterus that could have resulted in a miscarriage. So she removed that in Dec. and I was able to be inseminated the very next month. I have said it before in earlier posts---I do think alot of success comes down to perfect timing, and that's it. If your numbers have tested ok, there is no reason why you should not be able to get pregnant even at 40. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions--I really wish you success in this. It can be done!!!
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    thanks traceD. That is encouraging. I haven't done the HSG yet but if I can swing it financially I might. I'm planning my fourth IUI week after next. Mounntaindewbug how many IUI's have u done? Mine have all been medicated with ultrasounds and HSG shots. My donor has had a reported pregnancy while I've been trying to get pregnant with him but I don't know the details. I'm trying to remain optimistic but it's getting difficult.
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    Yes, thank you for sharing. I recently turned 39 and pray to have my child this time next year. Today actually marks a year that I received information about my RE, so I am excited.
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    Nriley I am about to do iui #5. So i am one ahead of you. I agree that it is very difficulit to remain optimistic. Im considering the HSG if it does not work this time but i really dont want to do the HSG. I am afraid of it somewhat. Congrasts traceD
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    Good luck to you giftsofjoy!
    Mountaindewbug I'm getting ready for IUI #4 tuesday. Actually I had an HSG today and it really wasn't that bad. Things are clear for me luckily so i feel better about proceeding. In fact the radiologist told me that sometimes there is an increased chance of pregnancy after an HSG due to tubes being flushed out somewhat so that is good news. I highly recommend it. Good luck on #5. I'm crossing my fingers and toes for us all.
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    Thank you nriley. It is great that your hsg came out clear. Good luck to you on tuesday. Also i will keep my fingers and toes crossed for all of us too.
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    At 40 + 7 months I got pregnant with my first, unmedicated IUI. I am now four-months, and everything seems to be going well. Hope this gives some encouragement. Good luck!
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    Congrats drmchk. That is encouraging.
    Fourth IUI was negative for me. I'm taking a break next month. I'm getting very discouraged.
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    Hi ladies. Don't give up hope. It took me six iui's and one ivf to finally get pregnant and I'm due any week now with a little boy. My due date is not till dec 17th but I am having some complications so the doc thinks he is coming early. The months of trying and failing were so hard on me but I kept at it and it was worth the struggle. For me and because of my age 41, ivf worked best. I would gave jumped right to ivf but my insurance wouldn't pay unless I tried six iui's first. Good luck to all of you. Sending lots of baby dust your way...
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    im right there with you on how discouraging this can be nriley but dont give up.
    congrats vvnjmom!
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    My first IUI took-I was 39 years, 6 months. I had a smooth-sailing pregnancy (no morning sickness) and delivered an 8+ lb., tall baby with a large head with no pain by natural childbirth at 40 yrs. 3 months.
    Stay positive...good luck everybody and happy holidays...may all your wishes come true...
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    Thank you DC808m, Trace D. and Drmchk. I am 40 and 7 months and had to have a very painful myomectomy done in order to clear my uterus and fallopian tubes in order to get pregnant. I was out of work for 6 weeks. On top of that I had to have an SIS and an HSG before the surgery. And I had to do both tests again after the surgery. The HSG was not bad at all before the surgery. I did take 3 or 4 advil about an hour and a half before. However, after the surgery, it was a little more uncomfortable, as I was steal healing. But, it was not that bad even then. The doctor said that my tubes are now "wide open" and my uterus looks very good. I had to wait three months for my uterus to heal. So, I do my first, and hopefully only, round of IUI on a ministem of Chlomid right after Christmas. My family's prayer is that I get pregnant on the first try. With God All Things Are Possible! And you all have proven to me that it can happen for me!!! This is really encouraging.
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    It does and can happen! I am 41 next week and am 4 1/2 weeks pregnant---3rd unmedicated IUI. It is still early yet but, I am hopeful. Thanks to all those who have shared their stories. I have been "lurking" on here for awhile and it has been so helpful to hear about others' process--the succcess and the struggles. Keep the faith.
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    Hi Thinker,

    Congrats! I failed my 1st IUI with only clomid but will be trying again in about 2 weeks. I am 40 and 6 months and so...it's reassuring that you are prego! Keep us posted on your progress. By the way, where are you located? I am in Boston.

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    Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. It helps to know that it can happen after 40. Still trying.
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    Thinker! Congratulations! And your story continues to give me hope!!! God bless on your pregnancy!!!
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    Hello all - I am also over 40. Almost 41 and diagnosed with high FSH even after the clomid challenge. Have any of you addressed this challenge and is there any hope? I was pregnant this summer for three months and the baby had no heart beat at 12 weeks but it lived to be 11. So I got pregnant once. Yet doctors are not giving me much hope and my first iui failed this fall. Feeling very frustrated. I didn't ovulate until day 25 this month - so just skipped my IUI since I heard late ovulation means bad eggs. Thoughts from anyone? I'm in Boston, too, BTW!
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    Merry Christmas everyone!
    Has anyone in our age bracket had any luck getting pregnant with injectables and IUI?
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    MountainDewBug- I'm wondering the same thing. I'm curious about the success rate of injectables. I'm not 40 yet but close to it. I've had 4 iui's, first 2 with clomid and last 2 with femara. Moving on to injectables.
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    I had 3 unmedicated IUI's, after the first one the doctor did a mid-cycle ultrasound which provided information as to how large the egg was and determined when it was ready to drop. After an LH surge shot I became pregnant at age 39+6 months and things are going well. I am currently 33 weeks, due in March with a boy. I would recommend the mid-cycle ultrasound to check your egg count and size.

    Good luck!

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    Hows the 40 plus crowd doing?
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    I am still at it. Turned 41 last month. ugh. I had three IUIs on clomid that did not work. I sense my timing is off. The doctor wants me to stop the clomid and come in and see him on Friday. I'm scared of what he's going to say to me. I have been taking DHEA and wheatgrass and going for acupuncture to try and lower my elevated FSH. I wonder at what point I will have to consider donor eggs .... but really want to keep trying if the doctors will let me. Thoughts?
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    Hello Everyone
    I am 47 years old and tried IVF first time. I had 4 eggs and they all fertilized abnormally. I am very upset and used donor 12338 which was great. The doctor said it was age of my eggs is what they see as a pattern for women in their 40's. The next step would be donor egg option.

    Thank you to everyone for your love and support.
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    Thinker, just wondering how your pregnancy went? MountainDewBug I'm getting ready to try an IUI with Follistim and letrazole. Have you tried any yet?
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