Donor 05553 - vials available

Hi- we are previous customers and used this donor's ICI vials. Currently there are only IUI vials available. Is there anyway to know if more ICI will become available and if so, when, for this donor? We'd like to use the same donor again if possible.



  • Hi Re -

    Unfortunately, Donor 5553 only has IUI vials available and he completed our donor program. All of his ICI vials have been purchased and shipped, which means that we wouldn't receive any ICI vials from a buyback.

    If you are doing IUI cycles or IVF, you should be able to use IUI vials. The reason we recommend using ICI vials for an ICI at home is because the IUI vials are washed and do not contain the seminal fluid to help the sperm travel to the uterus.

    If you have a child by this donor and would like a sibling, I would recommend discussing this with your physician. Vial type shouldn't prevent you from having a sibling.

    Best of luck!

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