
Trying at age 43/44

I was wondering if anyone is trying at age 43/44 as I am with IUI/Chlomid/donor sperm. I have been trying now for a year and had a miscarraige last month. I feel very able, and my Fsh and est/proges. all are fine. Periods regular. Any others with success stories or words of encouragement?



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    Just know that you are not alone and that you will most likely soon be successful,,, I know a few women who have miscarried once, but never twice,,,at least you know the embryo is attaching and growing,,,so you have no problems,,,just dont give up,,,u have the goods,and odds are your time is coming....I know of 2 women personally over 40 who has had success, although not with this cryogenic bank,,,their doctors' would order from the Andrology clinic of the hospital,,,where the counts are 25 at least...my GYN and the literarure I have read says under 20 is put in the category of "sterile"...so we get at least 15m which is 5 under what is termed sterile,,just have to hope your donor is well above the minimum requirements, and not just passing...I think that makes the entire difference...i AM DOING A NEW DONOR THIS CYCLE...btw...I am 40 TTC/IUI/Clomid/donor sperm...I am on cycle three ,,,and stocked/and ready to go...: ovulation monitor, reproductive tea, FertileCM, Gaufesin, Clomid, a few cases of water, insemination book"latest edition", Valium to relax, so my CM does dry up like a prune from anticipation nerves...good luck,,,mabe we'll both have success with conception this time!!!
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    Do you check your progesterone levels? I was told that we need to have prog levels of >15 after the IUI. The higher the #, the thicker the uterine lining which means its a better "layer" to hold the implanted follicle.

    i was told that having too thin of a lining, once implanted, is the main cause of miscarriages.

    Good luck and keep asking your RE for as much info as possible.
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