What criteria is important for you in a donor?

I am just curious as to how people are selecting their donors. What qualities are you looking for or why did you choose your particular donor?


  • My husband and I can't have biological children. Therefore, I plugged in his traits and came up with 5 results. From there we decided by the amount of vials left, open vs. anonymous, and medical history. I hope that helps!
  • I am a lesbian. I am African American on the lighter brown skin toned side. My partner is half caucasion and 1/4 American Indian and 1/4 African American. We chose a donor for me that is multi-ethnic so that my child's complection is similar to her children. Equally important for us is education and whether or not the donor has had previous pregnancies. We also didnt want to pick a donor that has low vial availability. The plan was to purchase enough vials for me to get pregnant this time, one more time, and my partner has agreed to use this donor as well. My donor's entire family (parents, siblings, aunts, and uncles) have bachelor's degrees and most took it a step further and got their masters. My donor was an honor student in high school as maintains the same in his college years. Of course, since we can be super picky we took things a step further and looked at facial features, we have a visibly attractive donor.
    I am being inseminated for the first time ever in 3 to 4 weeks. Since I tested negative for CMV, the pool of donors dropped to only 18 potential donors where we had about 75 to choose from prior to receiving my results back. Luckily my first pick (12715) is negative!
  • Trying to choose by race initially humbled my partner and I very quickly. We wanted a open, African American donor. We decided to open up the options to multi ethnic we went through medical histories which is very important to us And from there we read each and every profile (we purchased a subscription). All in all we wanted a donor who was open, healthy w/ no concerning familial history, seemingly of good character and well rounded (as much as u can conclude from answers to questions). This led us to donor 12715. It took us abt 30-45 days to go thru everything!
  • It's interesting you both went for the same donor! I originally posted this nine months ago and have been thru 3 donors. Some things are more important to me now than others.
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