I was wondering if you could tell me who donor 11371 resembles most out of his look-a-likes? Also, what feature does he share with all 3 of his look-a-likes? Thank you :)


  • He is one of the rare examples of what I would consider a "dead-ringer". He could be a third twin to a younger Jason and Jeremy London.

    His bright smile and high cheeks bring the Ryan Sheckler, and there is a general "Leif Garrett" thing going on.

    We purposely try and offer more than one look-a-like because no one looks exactly like soemone else. However, in this case I would have been very comfortable only listing Jason London.

    Good luck,

  • Hi, I know this is an old post, but in case someone is interested, I was able to have a successful pregnancy with 11371. Here is a link to our baby girl, Makenzie. She is now 7 weeks old (as of May 12) http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150148517926059.284916.567231058

    If you need information, just send me an email at melodychu@yahoo.com

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