
Difference between open/anonymous etc

Hi there

I recently went through Matching Consultation with Cryobank and have narrowed down to three.All three are awfully close to call and my husband and I are really confused. Can someone please shed light on the following

1)The difference between open and anonymous donors

2)One of the donor has got 'None' after Pregnancies in his Summary profile. Does that mean no one has had pregnancies using his sperm or no has yet purchased his sperm?

3)Pregnancies, Successful pregnancies, no. births for each of the donors a)02487 b)11444 c)11961

I would greatly appreciate assistance in this matter.


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    Hi Putley -

    Open Donors agree to a minimum of one contact with any offspring at the child's request once they turn 18. These interactions are facilitated through us. Anonymous donors make no such committment, but understand that requests may still come in and we may contact them in the future on behalf of any offspring.

    All our donors have outstanding quality sperm and are 100% capable of a contributing to a successful pregnancy. Every donor eventually has this box checked. It is just a matter of time. It can take up to a year from the first vial release for pregnancy and birth reports to start rolling in.

    I am out of the office until Monday with no access to any donor records. If you call our Client Services Department at 866-927-9622 they will be glad to look up the numbers on your selected donors.

    Best of luck,

  • Options
    Hi Putley09,

    Did you happen to go with 2487? I am interested in your expereinces, if you are confortable with sharing. Thank you in advance!
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