When does your RE perform IUI with no meds?

Hello all, I'm currently on my 2nd IUI with no meds. I'm 39yrs, ovulate on my own. RE said that if I don't get a positive at 3 months we would talk about doing something more invasive. I'm curious to know when your RE performs IUI. Mine are done at 24 hours once I get a positive surge.

PS.. currently in my 2 tww, AF is due in about 2 days, achy legs as always when Im about to get my period. Which will lead me into my 3rd IUI.

Any advice, Thanks! :)


  • Mine did back to back iui's at 24 and 48 hours after positive opk. I was all natural cycle and my donors sperm count was amazing. Best of luck to you
  • My doc does 1 unmedicated IUI 24hrs after LH surge. But just so you know...I got my LH surge about 12 hrs earlier when I used good OPKs as opposed to the internet cheapies...I know they are expensive and we go through a ton, but buy the good ones.
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