
When to do an IUI if Frozen Sperm only live 24?!

Hi. I would like advice about timing of IUIs using your frozen sperm. After 5 IUIs, and in excess of $4500 in frozen sperm, we have yet to get a BFP.

If a woman normally ovulates anywhere from 24 to 48 hours after a +opk, and RE's typically do IUIs on the first positive day, what if a woman is ovulating 36 hours later, or on the outside range of 48 hours? She will NEVER get pregnant using frozen sperm that only lasts 24 hours inside the human reproductive track, as it will already be dead by the time she ovulates. <---Note that, this information would have been useful to know $4500 ago!!

Please explain, in detail, suggestions for IUI timing for a woman who ovulates later than 24 hours after her first +opk. Or whose ovulation fluctuates from month to month in that 24 to 48 hour window.

Thank you.


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    Hi L -

    It's best to discuss this with your physician. Timing an insemination is very important and there are other ways to monitor ovulation besides using an opk. You may want to ask your physician about ovulation induction, ultrasounds, or other options to make sure that you're being inseminated at the correct time.


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    I know it's easier said than done(cause it's so freaking expensive) but you can do multiple iui's 12-24 hours apart. That way you're covered.
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