Tying to Concieve, having PCOS
Posts: 27
I'm 25 single and trying to get pregnant using donor sperm. I have PCOS and am having a difficult time ovulating. I finished my third round of clomid 5 days ago, and go for more bloodwork tomorrow. I'm hoping my levels have gone up and I'm close to ovulating. Anybody else?
That really stinks, I am taking a break right now after my 5th iui didn't work. I have PCOS like you and am older. The Dr. wants me to lose 30lbs before even considering ivf. So here good working out everyday and watching what I eat. My Dr says even losing 10-20 can help your body and allow it to ovulate. Not sure you have that issue like I do. I hope your appointment with the Dr in June goes well.
So I went to the Dr. today, hoping to start injectables so I will ovulate. After discussing my options my Dr. thinks I should try Letrozole (femara) first. I'm a bit disappointed about this decision but he assured me that we will only do one round of this and if it doesnt work than we will go straight to injectables. I'm pretty certain that it won't work only because of the fact that I had no hormonal change from the clomid. But I'm staying posiive. i will know in 10 days wether it worked or not.
Don't be discouraged. The femara worked beautifully for me. It got me ovulating and I had no side effects. I didn't get pregnant until I added injectibles, but that is just me and the luck of the draw. It's worth a shot to try it for one month.
Super sticky baby dust to you!!!