Sperm DNA quality outside the body for IUI (a different question)

We would like to try IUI, and collect the sperm at home (about 40 minutes away).

Although I've read that sperm lives about an hour outside the body, my question is: Does the sperm DNA quality diminish over time while being transported by car in a container?

What makes this question different:
(When I say "quality" I mean in terms of DNA Code and ensuring driving the sperm outside the body for 40 mins may not put the baby's health or mental health at risk, if the IUI results in pregnancy)
-- I am aware that sperm does die over time, but I'm more concerned about the baby's health or mental health implications, DNA-wise.

Thanks for answering,


  • Hi Jhh -

    Delay in insemination may affect likelihood of getting pregnant, but it should not increase the likelihood of genetic abnormalities in the offspring.


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