When to switch donors?

Hey gals! I was curious after how many failed IUI's you would switch donors. I'm currently in my tww on my second IUI.

Thanks for the input!


  • I switched after 2 failed IUIs and then with the new donor, it worked on the first time.

    So I would switch if the first 2 or 3 IUIs don't work.

    I hope this helps!
  • I haven't started yet, hopefully in May but I agree with Dolphin. If it doesn't work after 1st two with same donor, I am switching. I am also using post of others to help narrow initial options. If there are several post from different people using same donor without success after 2-3 tries, he comes off my list. A donor with several successes on 1st try gets pushed up on the list.
  • The first time I did 3 w same donor. Then gave next do or one shot. Third donor was the charm. I did miscarry but now only one or two shots per donor. Also sticking with those in their twenties. My first two donors were in their thirties.
  • Thanks for the input. I was thinking 3 tries seemed like the max. I do have my own issues that may be the problem and not the donor though (PCOS, diminished ovarian reserve). Fingers crossed I don't have to try a 3rd time! My OB wants me to work with an RE after 3 tries anyway.

    Sorry to hear you had a miscarriage Sweettheartt. Picking donors in their twenties is a good idea.
  • Grizgirl - have same issues as you and I got pregnant with first IUI. My doc had me on letrozole and them bravelle shots. After iui used progestrone. My baby boy is due in July.