When to order

I am 35 years old, single woman. I was a "thinker" for a year and last month I've made my decision and talk to my OBGYN. I was on birth control pills for a while and I quit last month. I used those ovulation test as my Dr requested. After day 11 I tested every day but couldn't get a positive result. (My regular cycle was 28 days normally) I thought that I was too late and getting my menopause :) Tonight I just found out I am having my period which is 1 week early. It is my first regular cycle after I quit pills 21 days ago.

It's very hard for me to explain. First of all English is my second language and second of all it is confusing.

I was thinking that I would have a 28 day cycle again and after my period ended I would order vials and keep them ready in my Dr's office and whenever I got a positive result on my ovulation test, I would call my Dr and make an appointment for an IUI. But now, I don't even know when to ovulate.

My question is, is it ok to wait for replacing an order until you get a positive result on ovulation test? or is it better to order it anyway and pray to ovulate on time? But as far as I know sperms can survive for 10 days in tanks and after that I can't use them. I don't want to waste my money either. I don't want to wait one more month to see how I am ovulating.
Any suggestions?


  • you definatly want your vial there before you ovulate. We ordered it at the last minute thinking we had plenty of time,well i had a positive on OPK the 25th and went to the doctors the next morning for u/s and they said I had already ovulated...the bad news was the vial wouldn't be there til later that day which might be too late, we had waited too long to order it. We went ahead and crossed our fingers and tried but the chances are lower. My doctor said they would prefer to do the iui on the same day as my LHsurge. good luck to you.
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