
TWW 8/9dpiui

Today is 8/9 or maybe 9/10dpiui for me. Not sure how to calculate. IUIs done 06/01 & 06/02. Third month of IUIs. Hoping this is the one or that my insurance approves partner IVF. Wishing everyone out there TTC the best of luck :)


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    Best wishes, these were definitely the hardest days for me. You are more than half way there
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    Blood test today. Hcg was 10. Progesterone 1.1 :(
    On the good side we found out that insurance will cover partial expenses for partner IVF. Not all, but some so hopefully we can start that soon. Doesn't look like my eggs are going to be any use. Hopefully I can carry a baby with my wife's egg, but with that low progesterone level, I'm scared.
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    What did the dr say? Are they going to retest in a few days? I thought they considered 10 positive but then it's what happens in the next 48 hours?
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    When they called yesterday with the results they said not to bother coming back in Friday for the follow up blood test because she said a progesterone level that low does not indicate a sustainable pregnancy. Maybe I'll beat the odds and it really is a positve, but according to them my count too low to be concerned with. :(
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    So we will stay hopefully until AF shows her face. Maybe Sun take a home pregnancy test. If it's positive go to you primary care or a different dr. Maybe they can do progesterone suppository???
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    Thanks. I thought that is what they would have started yesterday, but I was wrong. Yes I will test again just to be sure. We are switching to an RE for IVF if needed so I'm excited about that. I am just sad my eggs are done. I will love to carry the baby though so hoping it works one of these ways. You are doing ivf next right? Good luck and keep positive. Are you near a clinic or will it be a lot of driving for the monitoring?
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    I am going to a RE. I drive 1hr for mpnitoring by choice. They have an office 5min away but the service and atmosphere is totally different. I will do one more cycle IUI start monotoring tomorrow. If it doesnt stick we will change to IVF. Last cycle my re had me start progsterone 7dpiui then test on day 14.

    Hopefully the RE will have more insight.
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    You will have to keep me updated (if you will :)) IVF is new to us. Our RE is about 2 hours away, but our monitoring will be done about 10 mins from our house and the procedures for egg retrieval and transfer will be done at his office so we only have to make the drive a couple of times. Praying they get a lot of good eggs fertilized first time so my wife doesn't have to do her part more than once. I sure hope this works for all of us. I didn't realize how stressful it would be. Silly me thought we'd be one of those first try success stories. I didn't doubt for a second it would work right away...I was SO wrong! It'll happen for us all when the time is right:) Keep positive!!
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    Sorry to keep posting. Took a hpt today. The kind with a plus sign. Barely visible but shows well in black and white. Per call to doctor, they said it's probably a 'shadow line' but if I test positive Monday morning to come in for new blood test. I wish the test had just showed negative. False hope is gonna kill me this weekend! Praying it's real and not a shadow.
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    Well I'm praying for late implantation for you thus the low numbers
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    BFN today. Looks like we are on to IVF. Keep me posted on your progress! I have a good feeling.
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    At least you know and have a plan. It will work out! I go tomorrow for my iui. So the TWW begins.
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