Don't do it. I wanted multiples more than anything, implanted one embryo, and it split into identical twins. Was a horrible pregnancy with every problem in the world, and I wound up giving birth to them at 17 weeks. Both my OB and my fertility doctor said they are fairly certain I wouldn't have lost them if it had been a single baby. Multiples are so high risk. And I had a placental abruption bc my OB said it was probably from my uterus growing so quickly because it was twins.
Don't do it. I wanted multiples more than anything, implanted one embryo, and it split into identical twins. Was a horrible pregnancy with every problem in the world, and I wound up giving birth to them at 17 weeks. Both my OB and my fertility doctor said they are fairly certain I wouldn't have lost them if it had been a single baby. Multiples are so high risk. And I had a placental abruption bc my OB said it was probably from my uterus growing so quickly because it was twins.
And multiples are either freak splitting (identical) or multiple ovulation ( completely on the mother side ). The guy has nothing to do with it .
I'm so sorry for your loss Pom