
How many times for IUI??

I'm just curious about how many times you give IUI a try before doing something different. I've taken femara and am getting ready for IUI number 3. Other than PCOS with regular periods I don't have any known fertility problems. How many times has everyone tried before success or moving on to a different method or donor?


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    Hi there!

    I haven't had success yet....We have done 4 IUIs with medications. I do not have any health problems at all and we are still trying. I know the its rough but hang in there...It will happen. My doctor said that after 6 times is when it is time to maybe think of other options.
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    I had 6 IUI's before I got pregnant with my 2nd child (I was blessed to get pregnant on 1st IUI with my 1st child.) The first 5 tries I just did the ovidrel trigger shot and on the 6th try they strongly recommended I "be a little more aggressive" and also take Clomid, which I did and that is the cycle I got pregnant. Don't give up, sometimes it just takes a few tries. My doctor started out by telling me that he would do 6 IUI's and then if I still wasn't pregnant, I should consider other methods (more medication or IVF). I didn't change donors because I really wanted my children to be biologically identical and I got pregnant on 1st try with my 1st so I knew it would just be a matter of time.

    Best wishes, it will all work out.....Michelle
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    thanks ladies that's helpful!
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