young and single

I am trying to decide between an Asian donor or a Caucasian donor. Because I usually date Caucasian guys and no one would think anything about the child being mixed race except a few people in my family. But I like the look of Asian guys. However I am not shore how my family would feel about a half Asian in the familyWho should be my baby’s daddy!?


  • That's a personal one can make it besides you. :)

    Trust me, once that baby is here, your family won't care what the donor looked like.
  • Hmm... if you weren't using a donor... who would you date? That's how I made my choice... the man I have in my life right now...
  • Whether or not I would date the person never really mattered to me. If the Asian guy is perfect in every way and this is your only hesitation in using him, I would at least keep him in mind as a second choice until you find someone you like better. If you find that no one else measures up, I would stick with him unless you realing think it will cause a permanat rift with your family. If that is the case, you have to assess what is more important to you. If your family is important to you and you are about to make a choice you know they won't like or understand, you might try discussing it with them beforehand.
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