


I was wondering if there was going to be a picture coming for donor 12215?

Why is it that some dont provide a baby picture? I can see that on a very rare chance someone doesnt have a baby picture, possibly due to a fire or something but imagine this would be fewer and further in between. There seems to be quite a few without them and I only want to purchase one with.



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    Hi Laura -

    Photos are optional, although strongly encouraged.

    For those that don't provide them...Some donors may consider it a risk to their privacy (internet searches, Facebook, etc.). Most donors are no longer living with their parents and don't want to have to explain to them why they need a baby photo mailed to them.

    Remember, these donors are mostly 20-30 years old. Easy access digital photos has not been around all that long so finding baby pictures can be tough.

    We are increasing our efforts to collect photos for new donors, but many of our older donors will never have pictures. We have recently contacted 12215 about providing photo(s), but have not received any yet. We have no way of knowing if he will change his mind and opt to provide them.


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    Thanks for the response Scott!

    This does make sense but I do hope that Mr. 12215 changes his mind :)
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