OMG our first try for IUI is tomorrow morning

WE are soooooooo excited and nervous. our first time is tomorrow morning. I'm 23 years old with no fertility problems as far as we know. They did the HSG test and everything was fine. We hope it works the first time. Our wedding is april 24th . It will be great if we are expecting a child already. We hope God Bless us with a wonderful healthy baby!!!


  • everything was fine... Now we just have to wait two weeks... Donor 11331 has 8 million counts of sperm doctor told us that's good they always look for 5 million to 10 million.
  • Wishing you the best and sending you lots of BabyDust!!
  • carmenroche,

    How exciting! I remember our first IUI...we were nervous but excited too! Just try to take it easy and remain positive. It can work...we were blessed to get a BFP on our first try and we are now 14 weeks along.

    Good luck and KUP!
  • Thank YOU!!!!!! we waiting... this 2 weeks seem too be soooo long!!! we can't wait any longer. 9 more days to know the results. What are the first symptons I would feel? As far as I know the first symptons can be a little bleeding from the implementation and maybe some cramping... HOw was it for you?
  • uops .... I accidentally had 2 accounts and now the merge both of them. My new ID is Jaymilly instead of Carmenroche
  • I hope you have first timer's luck!
  • I had cramping from about 2 CM never went continued until I was about 3 weeks boobs were sore off an on and I never had sore boobs before...also, at about 8 dpiui I noticed that my nipples changed shape and color. Those are just a few that I can remember. If you do a search under my name you will find many other posts that I explained in more details.

    Good luck!
  • Thank you MistyanCarla

    I will go read them
  • Jaymilly,

    I just wanted to say Congratulations on your BFP! That's wonderful news! First timers luck paid off for you too! Whew-Whoo!!!!!!

    KUP on your BETA's. We're praying for the numbers to double! :)
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