

So I was told to use the progesterone supp 200mg once a day the day following my IUI. Can anyone tell me what benefit this gives me if anyone knows.. thx


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    arutter- progesterone helps support a pregnancy.
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    My Dr. has me taking Progesterone 3 days after my IUI. From what I was told it thickens your uterine lining which helps with implantation (helps the fertilized egg "stick").
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    I also want to point out that taking Progesterone can also mimic early pregnancy symptoms and can delay your AF from coming for a couple of days (if you are BFN). I thought I'd mention because it has more than once messed with my head and convinced me I was preggers. :P
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    My acupuncturist suggested I use Pro-Gest cream, but I'm a little skeptical. Our bodies are supposed to handle this process on their own and I wonder if adding hormones is a help or a hinderance?

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    That's the cream that I'm using... I hope to supplement my levels if they are low. From what I've read, if your levels are fine, the excess just passes through your system. Usually we find out that our progesterone is low after it's too late to help... that's what triggers the heifer is the drop in prgesterone. I'd rather take it and have the heifer be a few days late then get a BFP and have the little one leave... how about you?
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    Would it be good to use Pro-Gest now if one was planning to try iui later this year (3-4 mo. from now)
    Also, have you heard anyone comment on DHEA? A girl on the high fsh board said she used it and her RE told her her eggs were like a 20 yr. olds....that certainly got my attention.
    In Randine Lewis's book she recommends it unless you have elevated levels of male hormones.

    btw, that book "making babies" is fantastic...thanks for the rec...Randin's book is awesome, but I feel like I need a PhD in Chinese sometimes to understand it LOL....just kiddin
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    I was wondering if you guys could share your opinion on this... I went in for my follicle measure today and had my lining measured. Seems I had two great follicles and she bumped up my IUI to Tomorrow, she did tell me my lining is a little thin. I am going to be starting the progesterone supp the day after IUI and I wonder if its to late to help or if it can still help thicken the lining in time for implantation. Whats your guys thoughts???
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    I'm not really positive what the right answer is but here are my thoughts. First, what did your Dr. say about your lining being thin? After both of the IUIs I've had, my Dr. has me start Progesterone 3 days after the procedure. My thought is that maybe she is having you start the progesterone the day after to help thicken your lining (which is what Prog. does).
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