03627, 03800

Has anyone had success using either of these donors. Please contact me directly bettyrey01@gmail.com. Thank you so much....

Good luck to all....


  • did not try 03627 but do have donor profile and baby pic if interested.
  • that's awesome. Do you mind emailing the pic to me bettyrey01@gmail.com Have you made up your mind who you are going to go with. Just curious?
  • Hi!
    Saw your posts on 03627. We have not been able to make a real selection yet - its quite a difficult task. Have you made a decision yet?
    One of the profiles we like is 03627 as well; would be great if you could share his baby pic - it does not seem to be available on the site.
    Email: simoneh100@yahoo.com
  • I'm still looking for info on 3627 if anyone is willing to share. Please send to klatham22@gmail.com It doesn't look like there is a baby picture available which is unfortunate.
