12 Week Scan/Genetic Counseling

Had my 12 week scan on Friday and received my test results for the nuchal test :) All is well! Can't believe I'm starting my second trimester!! Next scan will be on the 15th and I'm hoping to find out what in having!! Hope everyone is progressing in their journey to becoming a mommy!! Baby dust to all!!


  • Great news! Did you do the MaterniT21 test?
  • That's fantastic Jenn! And second trimester?!?! How awesome. Let us know when you find out the sex.
  • KBT- they didn't say it was MaterniT21, but I did have blood work. I just didn't think to look at what the order sheet said. I work in the hospital where I had the scan done and went straight to the lab for the blood work. But the results they went over sound like it was probably the MaterniT21 test. All the results and measurements were normal and my chance of having a baby with Down syndrome is 1/450. Not that it would have mattered. I'm just happy to be pregnant! Will keep you guys posted on what the sex is :)