
Blood Type

Is it possible to know the baby's blood type BEFORE it is born?


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    Hi nriley -

    From our Genetics Department:

    If you have an amniocentesis or CVS procedure during your pregnancy, it is possible to use some of the baby’s DNA from those procedures to determine the baby’s blood type during your pregnancy. However, the baby’s blood type is not usually analyzed as part of these tests and needs to be specially ordered.

    However, if you are not having an amniocentesis or CVS, but you know your own blood type and the donor’s blood type, you can estimate what the baby’s blood type may be. For example, if your blood type is “A” and the donor’s blood type is “AB”, the baby’s blood type could be “A”, “B”, or “AB”. For more information about estimating the blood type of your baby during pregnancy, please contact one of our genetic counselors at (877) 743 -6384.


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