First IUI update question!

Hi all. I had my first IUI Oct 1. My doctor said I can test myself a week later, so Thursday I did, nothing, same as this morning. Kinda bummed.
I have been so tired these last few days, having crazy dreams at night, normally I dont have any. My boobs hurt too when they are free out of my bra. I feel like I'm getting my period, but its to early. So I feel hopeful. I have slight cramping at times, not always, sometimes.
Is this normal? Has anyone else felt like this and then was pregnant? My blood test is the 15th. I think I will test myself again closer to next Thursday. I hate this waiting!!!!!

any advice is always helpful. Thanks!!



  • Yes, I had mild period-like cramping about 1 week after my IUI, and it turns out I was pregnant!

    I'm pretty sure 1 week is too early for a positive at home pregnancy test result, so try to be patient and test again later. I think I got my positive result 14 days after the IUI (I remember I got a negative at 11 days post IUI). Good luck!
  • Hi.

    My boobs hurt too but I wasn't sure if it was because I was preg or because of the progesterone I was taking. I tested one week later and it was negative. Too early I guess. I was due for my blood test on a Friday and the over the counter urine test came out positive on the Tuesday before the Friday.

    Keep us posted. Best to you.
  • Wow, 2 great posts! Thank you! That makes me feel good. Congrats to you both!! Its exciting!
    TMB, What is an over the counter urine test? Just a preg. test?

  • Yes, I had all of those symptoms and got my BFP on day's still a little early for a BFP...try again in 4-5 more days.

    Sounds promising...Good luck!