Donor 11039 Look a likes

I have a question regarding donor 11039. I wanted to clarify the look a likes of this donor. In this description it says he looks like Peter Vidmar, James Caviezel, and Andrei Kirilenko. But I don't find any of them similar. If you have an information as to what the donor has more or less in common with the look a likes I would appreciate it.



  • I agree. It is often the case that multiple look-a-likes are very different looking, so it's quite difficult to use this criterion.
  • Consider that you may look like both your mother and your father without the two of them looking like each other.

    When we assign look-a-likes we are not trying to say a donor looks exactly like any celebrity since that would be extremely subjective and fairly inaccurate for the most part. Instead, we look at individual facial features (eye shape, jaw line, nose, hair, etc.) as well as body type(athlete, musician, science guy) and overall general features (pretty boy softer features, more defined masculine features, angular "model like" features, etc.)

    The reason we provide multiple look-a-likes is to paint a general picture of the donor's appearance. If you would like more specifics on what features resemble each celebrity, you can call in to our Client Services at 866-927-9622 and have one of our reps talk you through it.

    Since you asked, however, I will try and give you some detail (other general readers: please do not flood me with requests for details. I can only do this once as an example :-))

    I think the best match on just his facial features is James Caviezel (other than the coloring). However, because of his haircut, coloring, and general athletic look, Kirilenko is probably the best overall match. More details...

    smile and nose: Caviezel
    head shape, haircut, skin tone: Kirilenko
    cheeks, eye shape (Top of face): Vidmar

    Good luck,

  • Thank you very much that was a huge help.

  • Glad to be of service.

  • jramos25 Did you end up using donor? I have two children from him