41 and trying to get pregnant

Hi there
I am 41 and my partner is 34 - we have decided to have and I am the one trying to get pregnant first. Anyone else on here around that age that has gotten pregnant or has any suggestions? I go for my first Dr appt next Wednesday:)


  • My partner had her first at 40 and her second at 42. She had a few problems at first but they decided after 10 tries it was because she was on Zoloft. After she was taken off of Zoloft she got prego the very next time. Good luck!
  • I just turned 42 two weeks ago and am pregnant. Due to give birth to a baby girl in May. I still plan on trying for another baby next year. You are still young. My suggestion to you is start with invitro. I did 9 invitros and they didn't work because of problems with my fallopian tubes. Make sure you do a Hysterosalpingogram to make sure your tubes are open before you choose artificial insemination. I just had two invitros and got pregnant on my second. Also, check the literature. Chances of getting pregnant using artificial insemination go down when you are older. But it's worth a try if its your only option and your tubes are open.
  • well, my mom was surprised at age 38 in 1977 when she got pregnant with me and my dad's vietnam damaged sperm production... so i know its possible! but, my mom was also in great shape (played tennis while 9 months preggo with me, crazy) and she had 4 previous kids so her body was obviously fertile.

    jaimelynn, i'm on zoloft for anxiety... good to know!
  • Kissc-

    When you say Invitro, what do you mean? IVF? or IUI? and you had 9 inseminations before checking your tubes? Before I go towards IUI, Im getting an HSG first.
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