
anyone pregnant with donor 11866?

We just found out we are pregnant with donor 11866! It might be twins... we will know in 2 weeks.
Anyone else pregnant with 11866?


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    congrats. We are also pregnant with donor 11866 (week 19) and at first we too thought it was twins, but it is not :). Good luck
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    Hi Water73,

    Congrats! How have you been feeling? We found out it's a baby girl! So far I've been feeling good, just really tired the first couple of months, but no morning sickness at all.

    Where are you guys?

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    Hey Lavpar,

    I will be starting my third trimester on Monday. We already know it is going to be a boy, and he is very wiggly :).
    The first trimester went really smooth, minimum nausea and some fatigue but nothing major.
    We are in Oregon, how about you?
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    Hi Water73,

    How are you feeling? When is the baby due? Are you around 36 weeks now?
    Things are going well with our baby girl. We just had a 4D ultrasound this last week and it was great to see her. I'm 25 weeks now and my belly is starting to grow quite a bit!
    We are in São Paulo, Brazil.
    Happy Holidays!
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    Water73 and lavpar,
    I am also pregnant with donor 11866. I am almost 28 weeks (due April 4) with a girl. She's very wiggly too : ) I'm in Washington state. So fun to hear there are a couple of us in the same boat and all around the same time! Congratulations!
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    Hi Meadowbrook,

    Congrats! We are one week apart due :) I'm due April 10 with a girl too.
    How have you been feeling?
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    Exciting to hear about you two.
    We are expecting our little one any day now. We are very excited to meet him. Meadowbrook, we are in Portland, across the river from Washington. Congrats and good luck :).
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    Lavpar, how great that we are due so close together. I had tried unsuccessfully twice before with donor 11866. When I got pregnant it was with my last vial. I am feeling great, no complaints at all, really, it's been a very easy pregnancy. How about you?
    Water73, please let us know how your labor goes. I bet you can't wait to meet your son! Blessings to you all : )
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    Our baby boy was born on the 25th (one day after the due date) and he is perfect :). Good luck to both of you and keep us updated on the arrivals of the little girls.
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    Congratulations! Welcome to the world baby boy!
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    CONGRATS Water73!!! So exciting! How is the little one doing? Sleeping and eating well?

    Meadowbrook, glad to hear your pregnancy has been smooth and you are feeling good. I've been lucky got pregnant in the first try with the donor and also had a very smooth pregnancy so far, just suffering a little bit with the summer heat right now with big belly. Can't wait to meet the little one!

    Good luck with the last few weeks and keep us posted!
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    Hi Meadowbrook,

    how are you feeling? It's almost time! Let us know when the baby girl arrives!
    We would love to keep in touch with you and Water73. My email address is mariana.pargana@gmail.com

    How is the baby boy doing Water73?

    Big hugs!
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    Hi guys,

    How are you? Meadowbrook how is your baby girl? And your baby boy Water73?

    Our baby girl was born last Saturday! Such a joy! We are so happy with our little angel...

    Please keep us posted and in touch!

    Big hugs from down South
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    Lavpar, the birth dates of our babies are very close! My baby girl was born a week early on March 28. She is beautiful and doing well. We are busy adjusting to this new life. So glad to hear your baby was born on April 9 and is doing well. Congratulations. I'm sure we'll write more after we've had more sleep : )
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    Hello Lavpar and Meadowbrook,

    Sounds great about the baby girls, glad they are doing well.
    Lavpar, I am sending you a message today to your email. Hope to hear back from you. Meadowbrook, are you interested in connecting as well?

    Our little boy is doing great, he is very interactive, talkative and smiling these days. He brings lots of joy to our lives and we are having a great time getting to know him :). Strangers walk up to us to tell us what a cute baby, he is definitely a charmer.

    Sleep is also definitely better now, so there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Hope you all are doing well.
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    Hi Water73 & Meadowbrook,

    Good to hear from you!

    Meadowbrook, congrats on your baby girl! They were close in the dates.

    We are also enjoying every second with our little one, such a joy to us... we are very happy with the our choice :)

    Water73, glad to hear your baby boy is doing well and is very interactive already! How long did he take to sleep through the night? Our girl still wakes up twice in the night.

    Keep in touch!
    big hugs to all of you and kisses to the little ones ;-)
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    Any one pregnant with Donor 12100? We had one attempt, no success after 5 attempts with a previous donor (#11651). Looking for some encouragement....losing faith.

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    FYI: I just sent an email to lavpar's email address so we all can chat further.
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    We just found out that we are 6 wks pregnant with twins from 11866. Would love to get in contact with other sibling families. Amanda.fma@gmail.com

    We look forward to chatting!
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