Sex of baby and IUI

Does anyone know if there are more chances of having one sex over the other with IUI? I heard that the chances are truly 50/50 since the sperm is placed directly in the uterus/closer to the egg.

Of course, nature gives 52% of an edge to males, but I'm reading about IUI baby girls much more than boys! Just wondering if people are having more girls than boys.


  • I had a boy and had an IUI. I think it just depends.
  • Just the luck of the draw I'm guessing!
  • Actually, I read a book that talked about choosing the sex of your baby. In it, it specifically said that the advantage goes to male sperm in an IUI due to the fact that they often have trouble getting through the CM, especially when it is thicker. Male sperm are fast but don't live long so being placed closer to the egg gives them an advantage. However, as in my case... due to how the schedule fell, I had to do my IUI as soon as I got my LH surge. Which likely means I had not actually ovulated yet. In this case, the females have the advantage because they are hardier and live longer and could wait around on the egg. The males woudl likely die off if it took too long. And many sex choosing books will tell you this also... if you're trying for a girl... have sex or IUI before ovulation... for a boy, after.
    Don't know if that is how it will shake out or not, I am in my 2ww currently... so we'll see.
  • I've also heard that female sperm survive freezing better. Who knows lol?
  • I have hear the same information as Bailey, but it's really luck of the draw. I got pregnant with b/g twins at the same IUI, so anything can happen.
  • Now I heard that with IVF you are more likely to have a boy. I'm trying now but I would love to have a girl. But I only pray for a healthy happy smart baby.
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