
03627..where is he???

Hello CCB staff. I was wondering if anyone has used donor 03627 lately. I have narrowed it down to a couple with him being the primary canadiate. Problem is I can't really locate anyone who has used him or even familiar with him. Can you shed some light on this situation? Has he had anyone pregnancies this year? I am a little nervous on even purchasing any info on him, he's definately not one of the more popular guys.


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    Hi martys81wife -

    Donor 3627 was a very popular donor when he was first released. Since his retirement from the program his sales have remained strong. I don't have access to recent pregnancy reports, but I can tell you he has more than 5 on file.

    There is no reason not to choose him if you feel like he is "the one".

    Good luck,

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    Hello scott, thanks for responding. When I first went into his profile it didn't say that he was retired, like it usually does when you click on a donor that has retired. Its funny that you say his sales remain strong, because I can't find anyone who is thinking of using him. I am not to oppose everything you say, I am just being a little optimistic. To be honest with you scott, the only donor that showed up in any threads are donor 11370 which is the last one on my list of five. Please shed some light
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    Hello martys81wife,
    I am not with the cryobank, but I did use one of their donors and we now have a wonderful 4 months old daughter. When we first chose our donor he seemed not popular whatsoever! He had been there since 2004 and nowhere could I find anyone who had used him. Now, he is sold out and right before that happened, a lot of people popped up who were interested in him. I know of two other people here who have used him, too.
    Overall, I think a lot of people lurk here and so not necessary share the information on what donor they have used or plan on using. For many people this is private and they do not feel comfortable sharing that information.
    Maybe you can check the donorsiblingregistry, just google it. Maybe some people there have used the donor you are interested in.
    Best regards,
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    Hi Marty -

    I'm not really sure what you are asking me to shed light on.

    As I have told you, Donor 3627 has more than 5 pregnancies reported and has sold well. Beyond that, I'm not sure what measure of "popularity" you are looking for.

    There are plenty of clients who do not talk about their donors publically. We have almost 300 donors on our catalog and you would be hard pressed to find many of them being talked about anywhere.

    If you have any specific questions I am happy to answer them, but I have no way of explaining why you can't find anyone chatting online about this donor.

    Good luck,

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    To Scott:

    Hey, I'm considering donor 03627 as an primary donor for me. Scott, you said that he has retired but is there vials left that was donated from him? Also what are the most common sex of the five pregnancies reported? I was wondering because the fact that sperm decides the sex of the baby and i wanted to know what the chance of having a girl would be. I know that it is not 100% accurate but I was curious.

    To others: Is anyone here used donor 03627 has a baby pic that you could show me. I wanted to know what the donor's baby might look like. Thanks
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    Hi Kelgirly -

    The sexes of the reported births are about even (as nature pretty much dictates). While sperm does decide the sex of the baby, it is basically a 50/50 chance no matter what donor you select.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, but my guess is once that baby is born you will not be able to imagine life with without her/him no matter what.

    Donor 3627 is a good looking guy with a great smile. If he feels right to you, I don't think you should have any reservations.

    Best wishes,

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    Does it matter that donor 03627's last deposit was in 2004, as I was told on the phone recently? Would "fresher" sperm say from 2009 be stronger?
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    Hi Viceroy -

    Once sperm is frozen, it makes no difference how long you wait to use it. It could be 2 months or 20 years and the post-thaw quality of that vial would be the same (as long as the specimen has remained frozen the entire time).

    Good luck,

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    Thanks, Scott. Can you tell me what donor 03627's post thaw/wash motility rate has been?
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    I'm sorry but I don't have access to the individual stats on each of his vials. That info is included with your shipment. Rest assured that every collection is tested and every vial must meet our requirements to be sold.

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    we used this donor and are finding out tomorrow if it was a success :) will update.
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    My wife and I used this donor last month but no cigar.
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    Viceroy -

    Sorry to hear that. I wish this process was more predictable, but more often than not you just have to keep trying and believing until the magic happens. I will keep my fingers crossed for you both!

    Good luck,

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