

So far this pregnancy has been pretty easy (but I am only 7 weeks). I am just really tired all the time. However this week I started getting headaches in the afternoons. They only last a few hours. I have tried snacking and power naps since I heard they can be caused by hunger or fatigue...neither helped. I guess I am left with the only other possible cause...hormones. I have a call out to my dr to see if there is anything safe to take for them, but sometimes it takes a while for them to call back. So, I thought I would check here and see if anyone had ideas. Anyone else experiencing this, and if so, what did you take or what did your dr say? I read online regular tylenol and take only one, but I am kinda nervous about taking tylenol without talking to my dr first.


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    austingurl - most definately talk to your doctor, but here's a link to my former obgyn practice's list of medicine they recommend you take while pg if you have to take anything. http://www.hwwc.net/PregnancyMeds.shtml

    Of course, we're all different, so talking to a doctor who knows your medical history is a must.
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    the headaches are hormonal and will go away after ~12 weeks when the placenta takes over production. you can take tylenol :)
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    austingurl... I had horrible migraines and headaches during the first trimester. ICE packs are your friend. Put them on the back of your head on your eye. Also makes sure you are drinking some caffeine. If the headaches come on at work, put on a pair of sunglasses and try the ice packs. They work wonders. It was the only way I survived the first trimester. No I took nothing for the headaches to chicken. I survived them and you will to. They do go away when nettibug says they do, I still get htem and I am at 14 weeks, but icepacks are wonderful inventions.

    Good luck.
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    My dr said regular tylenol too, but I was too scared to take it yesterday when the headache started. Then last night, I started running a fever. It climbed up to 100.7. I talked to a dr friend of mine who said I should take tylenol to bring down the temp. So, I took tylenol and had a miserable and scary night of chills, sweating, and crying because I was sure something was wrong. No cramping or bleeding but I was sure something was wrong. I called my dr this morning. They had me come in for some tests and everything appears ok. It does not appear to be bacterial. They said I just got a virus that needs to run it's course, and our amazing bodies protect the baby. Just took my temp again tonight and it's 100.0. I am hoping this passes quickly because I am scared to death.
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    So sorry you feel so lousy, austingurl.

    Last week I had horrible food poisoning or stomach flu. I was violently ill for a day. I was terrified, too, but they reassured me that these little tykes are well protected when they are in our bodies. They didn't have me come in (which still makes me nervous), but everything seems to be totally fine and back to normal.

    Somehow it all seems to work out, but I hope you feel better really soon.
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    Feel better. Use Ice Packs for headaches as well. I use them exclusively instead of taking anything. Fever I would definitely take something.
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