
First IUI attempt coming up!! What do I need to do to prepare?

My RE will put me on oral meds and shots plus trigger shot. I'm 36, numbers are ok (not great but not too terrible). I have never tried to get pregnant so no idea if I'll have issues or not. I'm so excited but scared, too, especially bc it costs so much! I've been going to acupuncture for 4 years (focusing last few months on fertility). What else can I do to help boost my chances of success the first time around? Thank you!!


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    Congrats on your journey. I would just try and relax easier said then done. I went for acupuncture and had my acupuncturist focus on fertility and I have a happy 22 month old. Keep busy during the 2 ww and dont think of every sign and symptom. Go for acupuncture if you can on the day of the insemination. I got pregnant at 42 with no meds no nothing. I am one and done as I was sick towards the end of my pregnancy but I wont change it at all. Good luck.
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    When you got pregnant, was it through IUI or IVF? Did you know your AMH level prior to going in? Curious as I am like you, at an "advanced maternal age" trying to conceive. That description always cracks me up as I don't feel old. :) Anyway, it's nice to know there's hope out there.
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    Sounds like you're on the right track with the acupuncture. The biggest thing to do is relax. And as Bandit said, easier said than done.
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    Thank u!! Do you think it's best to pick a donor with pregnancies reported? The two I'm leaning towards are newer so they do not have pregnancies reported....
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