
How painful is the entire IVF process?

I seem to have a pretty low pain tolerance... IUI's are painful for me... If I need to go to IVF, just wondering what all happens during the procedure and what the 'pain meter' / level is that is expected... Thanks and baby dust to all!


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    IVF is not painful at all. You are sedated for the retrieval (twilight sleep of which I do not remember a single moment) and the transfer is similar to an IUI - the worse part is the full bladder.

    The shots are painless as well...although once in a while you will be sore from the progesterone in oil.

    Right before your retrieval, your back might ache from your bloated ovaries, but it's all easy to deal with...just think about the end goal.

    I honestly thought the worst part was the waiting...the physical stuff is easy.

    Good luck.
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    Karen, thank you so much for the reply... Eases my mind a lot!!! :)
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