

So, I went for a sono on Friday. I was able to see the heartbeat, which was beyond amazing. However, the baby is measuring 6 weeks 2 days and I am supposed to be 7 weeks 2 days. My dr told me there is a high probablity of miscarriage when you measure that small. I am freaking out. I have to go back Wednesday to see if the baby is still growing and still has a heartbeat. I read online that measuring small or big in the first trimester is common, but I think that is because most people do not know the exact day of conception and ovulation. Anyway, I am just wondering if anyone has had this experience and had positive outcomes?


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    Austin first off, take a deep breath and breath. I am sure you are scared. We are here for to listen to you any time. Did the doctor tell you that once you see the heartbeat the chances of miscarriage decrease tremendously. Glad you were able to see the heartbeat. Let us know what happens on Wed. How are you feeling otherwise?
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    Oh, hon, I'm sorry.

    But I agree with Anissa; its amazing how important it is to see a good, strong heartbeat; miscarriage rates drop sharply. And even as regulated as our cycles are, there is still wiggle room in regards to the exact day of conception. My due date got pushed back a few days over the course of my first few sonos because the baby measured smaller, but everything turned out fine.

    My thoughts are with you through the next few days. We are all here for you. Keep us posted, love.
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    good luck austingurl, keep us posted and try to stay positive!
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    Thanks for the support. I feel fine otherwise. I am definately still fatigued. I have had no cramping or bleeding. Today actually made me feel a little better because I have felt twinges all day. I had those for a while in the beginning and feel like maybe the baby is still growing and my uterus is growing. I read online that miscarriage pains are more like cramps, so the twinges kinda give me hope of growth. My sister was wondering if maybe the virus and fever I had last week could have slowed the growth a little bit since my body was busy fighting the virus too. I will have to ask my dr that question tomorrow because I can't find anything online about it. They took blood Friday and I should get those results tomorrow too so hopefully the numbers are getting higher and higher and all is well. This is going to be the longest 40 weeks of my life...I am not good at this pregnant thing.
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    Austingurl I have had a miscarriage and the pains are horrible. As long as you are having pregnancy symptoms things should be fine. My sister in law was very careful around her ovulation time, thought she ovulated and a few days later she had "sex" and lo and behold 9 months later she had her third child. Even though we know when we ovulate etc thanks to science and help with our docs, it is still a mystery to all. According to all the dates that the doc gave me says I am due on Nov 14th, it makes no sense, since I know when I was inseminated. Remember science is not exact. Good luck and keep us up to date.
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    I had the same situation except the issue was with the gestational sac size. I believe the baby was measuring small too but the concern was with the sac. At one point it was measuring 2 weeks behind. Early in pregnancy, the size and shape of the uterus can throw the measurements off. Like the others said, the most important thing is that the heartbeat is strong. The sac and baby finally caught up in size and all is well now. If you can, stay off the internet because I read some things that kept me scared until my amnio. Wishing you and the baby all the best!
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    I'm not so good at the pregnancy nervousness thing, either. I've been a little stressed since my stomach bug, but I'm trying to relax until my next appt. in early June.

    Glad to hear your body is still giving you good signs, and I like your sister's idea.

    Still sending positive thoughts!
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    Hi Austingurl

    Sending you positive thoughts. You and baby are in my prayers.
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    The worst happened. There was no heartbeat today. This sucks!!!!
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    WHAT?! I am so deeply sorry... I can only imagine how you feel... Big hugs <3
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    Well, shit. Just shit. I don't know what else to say except I am so, so sorry.
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    My apologies for the language.
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    Austingirl. HUGS to you. I am so sorry. Not this is any consolation, I have been there. If you want to talk about it off line feel free to email me at anissa_stern@yahoo.com. I found out several years ago I was pregnant and lost the baby. So I can relate. It is heart wrenching. If you need to talk about it, do, grieve very important.

    Hugs to you.
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    I'm so sorry austingurl. I can't imagine how you must feel. Hang in there.
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    so sorry austingurl!! hugs to you.
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    austingurl just checking in on you to see how you are.
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    I am surviving. Physically I am fine. Emotionally, I am doing fine and then just randomly start crying. I am dreading going back to work tomorrow because I don't want the few people at work who knew to treat me differently. I don't deal well with hugs and kind words because I just lose it. I am dreading the breakdown that I know will happen at some point at the office. But, I am going crazy sitting in this house too and am ready for the distraction work will bring. So, basically I am healing...slowly. I think the biggest issue is that people keep telling me I can try again, but that scares me to death. I don't know if I can survive this happening again. Can I really risk trying again? And the thought of another 5 months (the time it took for this to work) of hormones and treatments just drives me crazy and makes me cry too. But the thought of never having a baby is even more devasting. Really, it's too soon to be thinking of all this and what I am going to do, but I can't help thinking about it either. I am just emotionally drained.
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    I am surviving. Physically I am fine. Emotionally, I am doing fine and then just randomly start crying. I am dreading going back to work tomorrow because I don't want the few people at work who knew to treat me differently. I don't deal well with hugs and kind words because I just lose it. I am dreading the breakdown that I know will happen at some point at the office. But, I am going crazy sitting in this house too and am ready for the distraction work will bring. So, basically I am healing...slowly. I think the biggest issue is that people keep telling me I can try again, but that scares me to death. I don't know if I can survive this happening again. Can I really risk trying again? And the thought of another 5 months (the time it took for this to work) of hormones and treatments just drives me crazy and makes me cry too. But the thought of never having a baby is even more devasting. Really, it's too soon to be thinking of all this and what I am going to do, but I can't help thinking about it either. I am just emotionally drained.
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    Austingurl... Everything you are going through is normal. I know that people have told you that. I went through it and I totally understand how you feel. I struggled with my decision for 2 1/2 years, to get pregnant again and now I am 16 weeks. I was scared to death as well to make it pass the time frame where I lost the baby. It will be hard for you to go through it again, but it will be so worth it. I think I heard a statistic that the chances of you miscarriage again is very small if you had one already. So you know my sister in law had one, got pregnant right away afterwards and was nervous like all of us and has a healthy 5 year old. Not that it is a consolation. Good luck and keep us up to date.
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    Austingurl...You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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    thinking of you austingurl!
    it's easy for people in other situations to just say "oh try again" without realizing all you have been through both physically and emotionally. my advice would be to take your time....don't feel you have to rush back into it, when/if the time is right you will know it.
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