
How did you choose your donor? Anon vs. known?

I just wanted to know different peoples opinions on how to choose the right donor? What made you choose your donor?

There are many donors I like but they are anonymous, though I feel that I should give my child the choice to seek their bio father if that's what they choose. If you used an anonymous donor, what were your reasons for doing so?
I just want to make the right choice!

Thanks so much!!!


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    That would make the decision hard! We were lucky in a way because we knew we wanted an open donor before we started search. We side-stepped the issue of getting our heart set on an anonymous donor by filtering them out from the get-go. Good luck with your decision.
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    Fraea - I'm in the same boat as you. I wish donor 13186 was open as well. I went ahead and used him anyway because I thought he had such great qualifications. It's one of those things I have to deal with 18 years from now. :/

    I also wonder if he would have been open if it was an option to him when he sign-up. It is my understanding that the "open" option is new.
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    I didn't even bother looking at anonymous donors which narrowed my selection. It's hard enough to choose.

    So I wanted to ensure my future child has the option to decide if they want to know and meet the donor. Especially should God forbid something happens to the donor, I figured it would make it legally easier for the child to find out through the extended family if the donor is open and not available. I'm a realist in that aspect.

    But just like I am curious at my genealogy then I can envision a child wanting to know about the donor etc.

    I wish that was a requirement for open donors: A general 2 or 3 generation genealogy in their files for when the child is 18 to have.
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