Donor 11460-Pregnancies/Siblings

Would love to hear from anyone who has had success with this donor. Will be trying IUI this month or next. You can email me at Thanks-


  • Well that is embarassing....I was getting an error..didn't realize it would post 3 times. Sorry about that ;-)
  • YES! I was very successful with 11460 - My partner and I used the IUI method and I got pregnant on the first try. I am currently 4 months pregnant with TWINS!!! Best of luck to you. I hope to hear good news from you too soon!!
  • I will be using this donor starting October to hopefully have a sibling for my daughter from a different donor. I am very glad to know that you were successful, it gives me hope for my upcoming cycle.
  • ssoltlinvil,

    Wow congratulations!!! Like beatrice00, I will hopefully be trying in October. Please feel free to email me directly!
  • I just had my first IUI and used Donor 11460. I'm so excited to hear of SSOLTLINVIL's good news. Hopefully the rest of us will be successful as well.
  • We will be using Donor 11460 in a couple of weeks for IUI #2 (our first IUI with another donor was not successful.) I would love to hear from others who have used this donor. ssoltlinvil, do you know what sex(es) of twins you're having? Does anyone already have children by this donor? Thanks!! :)
  • I have used this donor for three cycles and am waiting for the results of the third IUI. If unsuccessful I will move on to IVF in January. If anyone is interested, his first vial was 8.8 mil motile count and the last two were 14.4 mil and 20.2 mil motile. I am very happy with these counts. His vials are excellent.

    Good luck to anyone using 11460. You can email me at if you want to talk about the IUI or IVF process or about this donor.
  • We are in the 2ww now with this donor. This was our 2nd IUI, but we used a different donor for the first one. Our dr. says that donor 11460 had a progression a 4 with 62% motility. I would love to hear from anyone else who has had success with or is currently trying with this donor (or if anyone has extra vials available.) Happy Sunday! :)
  • twistedmyriad,

    ssoltlinvil just had two beautiful twins. beatrice00, ssoltlinvil and I all stay in touch via email to encourage and support each other. Feel free to join us! Email me at I will try for the first time in March.....

    We hope to hear from you!
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