Waiting to try...

Just wondering if anyone else went crazy waiting to start trying.

I've been going through testing and testing and more testing, and then surgery. I'm finally done all of that, and now it's just waiting for that first IUI.

They found out in my surgery that there's something not quite right with my left tube (it filled with dye, but didn't spill out, but they were able to get a probe through). So now they're saying that I should wait until I ovulate on the right side, which we know works. Of course, I'm pretty sure I just did that, so now I'll likely have to wait till the end of December.

So I just want to know if there are other people who went/are going crazy waiting. I've wanted this for SO LONG, and now that I've really decided to do it, I want to do it NOW.

I'm also an emotional mess, which terrifies me because I'm not taking any meds yet! Could be stress, could be that I'm just so ready that it's killing me to wait.

I guess I needed to vent... most of my friends don't really understand... they already have kids, and not many of them had any trouble making that happen.


  • Hello,

    No, you are not crazy! I am now getting ready to do my 1st IUI as soon as my silly Clearblue Easy shows me a smiley face! It's not fun waiting but I firmly believe that it's mind over matter. So, on that note...just sit back, be healthy and relax, all good things come to those who wait. (although the saying doesn't mention waiting with patience ;-) ) Where are you located? I am in Boston.

  • Thanks Jen! I'm in Delaware. I love Boston! My aunt lives in Brockton so I've been able to spend a bunch of time up that way.
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one waiting to get started here...

    I'm trying so hard to be patient, but I think it's because I've been thinking about this for so long, and now that I've bought the vials, I just wanna get on with this!!
  • abbyjenna,

    I am going through same thing. I havent even been to my first appt yet and the anticapation kills me. It's wondering if i am going to get told that I cannot have a child, it wondering if i am going to get pregnant the first time or i will spend thousands trying. The are times when I am thinking "yea this ok and OMG why are earth would I want to do this. It standing in the baby department at wal-mart wondering if I should start buying or if i should wait because I would have wasted money if do not get pregnant.

    I have friends who would not understand either. Maybe even my family would not understand. I am guessing I am knowing this is my personal deciosion. so far this is the only place I can share my heart about wanting to be mommy because people can be mean espically if they know that I chose this on my own.
  • The waiting game is really bothering me as well. I want to wait until I have insurance coverage, as well as to try to plan the birth for after I have enough tenure to qualify for FMLA leave. So, I have to wait at least 3 months, which is driving me nuts, as I've already been waiting for several years, because my ex didn't have his act together enough to really TTC.

    Now that I'm single and can do things on my own timetable... I still have to wait. It's frustrating, but... when I do finally get pregnant, it's going to be worth it!
  • Good to know that I'm in a "Waiting" room with such fabulous women!

    I, too, am waiting for that second red line to be the same red color as the first to let me know to hightail it to the doc for my first IUI. By my calculations it should have been today but of course it didn't happen. Not even after three pee sticks within an hour. :) And don't even try to tell me to try tonight because the last two nights the second red line didn't even make an appearance. So tonight I will go out and buy another ovulation kit and hope tomorrow brings two strong red lines.

    Positive thoughts for pregnancies to all you fabu ladie!
  • Hello to everyone waiting...and good luck!

    Cherann, you should test again tonight. My story is this...I tested on Day 14 and I knew it should have been that day. I tested at 6am, 11am, and then finally at 8pm it came up positive. I called my Dr. the next morning at 8am and they scheduled my IUI for 11:30 am that SAME DAY. And it worked cuz I am pregnant. I mean, don't test like a freak, just test every few hours if you can, and try to get that sperm in there before you ovulate! Good luck!
  • So you guys are all using OPKs? My doc didn't even mention one. She said on day 10 or something I'll start coming in for ultrasounds, and then when it looks ready to go, I'll give myself a shot of something in my stomach, and go in the next day for IUI.

    Do you think I should use an OPK anyway? I ovulate fairly regularly, and I'm doing basal waking temp and all that, too.
  • YAY !!! I'm not crazy !! I just got medically cleared to go ahead and order my sperm. I so happen to have my period when this happened so I could inseminate as soon as next week. I don't know if I should wait or rush making IUI appts..hopefully my sperm will ship before I ovulate etc... I just dont know what the right timimg will be. I was going to wait til Spring but it just seems soo far away ?
  • Thanks for the suggestion kndertchr. Did the test last night. Went with Clear Blue test this time around but unfortuantely no smiling face appeared. In the meantime I picked up my vials from CCB and have them in my car in case ovulation happens in the next few days. If not then the swimmers go back to CCB. I'll give them a kiss and tell them I'll see them next month. :)
    I think my friends and family are more disappointed than I am that I haven't ovulated.

    Oh and abbyjenna, I haven't had any shots but this is just my first try.
  • Hi! I'm waiting to try too! I've had all my tests and surgery. Just waiting for results from endometrial biopsy. If all is good I'll be ready for first IUI try!! I still have to decide on donor, I'm struggling a bit with decision. From info I've gathered it doesn't take long to receive once ordered. My first try could be in December, if not defintely Jan.!!

    I'm excited, nervous, unsure and never so sure!!

    I'm in DE too. There are three of us that meet every other month in Exton, PA. Would love to meet others!!
  • OMG itstime! I want to meet, too! I'm in North Wilmington. Looks like I'm going to get to try this month. Just found out that the dominant side seems to be the right, with a few measurable follicles. I go back on the 26th, and then hopefully will have my IUI shortly after that. I'm practically crawling out of my skin!

    Good luck to you making your decision. It's SO HARD! Wish they had the subscription thing when I was deciding. Do you have it narrowed down at all?
  • Abbyjenna,

    Yaaaaay, you finally get to try! Remember me, I'm Jen, the girl from Boston. I had my 1st IUI last Mon and Tues and now...if you think it's painful waiting to have the IUI, wait until you have to wait to find out if it worked!!! It's been 5 days and I have 10 or 11 days to go until I do my hpt or labs at my RE's. Good luck girl! I give baby dust to both of us! I didn't have the u/s or trigger shot but I did take clomid for my 1st cycle, although I ovulate on my own.

    Let me know how it goes!

    Jen ( Jennifer7170@msn.com)
  • Yay Jen! I'm so excited for you! At least you've got Thanksgiving while you wait - maybe it will be a distraction? Do you feel any different?
  • Hi abbyjenna,

    How are you? I can't wait until you get your IUI! I'm excited for you. I am now 7dpiui and let's see....I had some cramping yesterday and was told by a bunch of my co-worker nurse friends that it could have been implantation cramping. I also get little waves of nausea but I took clomid for 5 days and it could be the hormones. Other than that, I feel fine.

    I'm so anxious to know if it worked or not. I guess there is nothing to do but to be patient, sit back and wait. Let's keep in touch, ok?

    Happy Thanksgiving,
  • Abbyjenna -

    How exciting for you!!! I'm in Wilmington. I would love to meet up. My personal email is karen1685@gmail.com

    Hope to hear from you!!!
  • Had my first IUI with donor 11394 today. Now the TWW begins.
  • Cherann, I'm in my TWW too! I had 2 back-to-back IUIs yesterday and today with donor 12144. I go for my blood test on the 16th. Baby and sticky dust to BOTH of us!!
  • Abbyjenna, I had back-to-back as well. I'll be a few days behind you on the blood test. How are you feeling? First day I had major cramps - worse than when I have my period. My lower half has felt "off" all weekend. Fingers and toes crossed for both of us!
  • Cherann, I had cramps too, the day after the 2nd IUI. They're gone now. Are you doing the progesterone suppositories? Good times... I'm having some slight symptoms, but they are likely from the progesterone. I keep burping. Yesterday I got a brief wave of nausea mid-day. I'm excited but trying not to get too excited. I don't want to be completely let down if it comes back negative.
  • Abbyjenna, so whats the news? Did you have a pregnancy test today? Fingers are crossed for you. My dr. wants me to come in on Monday for a test but I might do one at home as well. I've had some spotting but nothing major. Didn't do the progesterone suppositories but I did go in for a progesterone test last week with great results. I've had a few good days and a few nausea days/nights. I hear ya on the burping. Happy Holidays!
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