
Baby Reece may come early...

Here's an update for all of you asking...

Monday we went in for our normal two week checkup with the doctor and she said that Reece is measuring two weeks behind. Two weeks ago, she was measuring one week ahead, so that means that in two weeks she has really lost 3 weeks. I also lost a couple pounds, but I'm still eating the same. Our doctor says that it could be from my BP because having high BP sometimes affects the placenta and it just pretty much putters out...or it could be from low fluid which isn't good either. She said either of these could make us have to be induced any day now.

So, this started the beginning of 6 1/2 hours of testing yesterday. We done a 24 hour urine, blood work, a 3 hour glucose test and a non-stress test. (NST) This evening we go in for a bio-physical profile which will be the test that tells all. It's going to watch how she's thriving inside of me...it watches her breathing movements to insure that she's breathing on her own and it will tell us if her lungs are ready along with many other things. It also checks the condition of my placenta to insure that she's still getting the nutrients that she needs. We're also going to get the steriod shots that helps her lungs develope...that way we're safe incase she does decide to make an early grand entrance. So, by this evening we'll know if we'll be having a baby anytime soon or if we'll make it to 38 weeks, which is when the doctor already said that we'll have to induce. (38 weeks is only 4 weeks away)

Our doctor has already been doing NST's twice a week to keep a close eye on her and by those, she appears to be fine...her heartbeat is good and steady and she still has lots of movement. So, we have lots of faith in the decisions that our doctor makes and are trying to prepare ourselves for whatever the results will show.

You girls have a good day and we'll update this post as soon as we know something. :)

Misty and Carla


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    I hope things show she is fine and wants to stay in mommy's tummy a little while longer, but if she does need to come out, I wish you the best! I am sure she will be well cared for by the NICU nurses & doctors til she is strong enough to go home to her mamas!
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    Good luck to you both!! Hang in there...you've almost made it. :o)
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    At work but that doesn't stop me from praying...

    Reece... you be a good girl and WAIT a little bit longer... I know you want out and your mommies want you out too but you're not ready yet, okay? Please?
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    Hi there - sounds like you have the best of care but we will send you good thoughts and wish you all the best! Stay put just a bit longer baby Reece!
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    Reece will be just fine...try not to stress. She'll come exactly when she is supposed to, early or not. I will keep all 3 of you in my prayers. :)
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    Thinking all good thoughts for all of you!
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    Reece is hanging in there! She now weights 4 lbs. and 15 oz. She's still a little small though...coming in around the 42nd percentile. A couple weeks ago she was in the 50th percentile. But, the good news is that my placenta still looks okay and the amniotic fluid is good. All the testing did show that I have "superimposed pre-eclampsia". That's not so good and the doctor now has me on bedrest until after Reece is born. They want me to get as much rest as I can to give Reece the best chance of making it a little longer. Our doctor did tell us she doesn't really think we'll make it even to 38 weeks, but just wants us to do what we can to help her thrive on the inside a couple more weeks.
    We are to continue to have the NST's twice a week, along with urine and BP checks in the office.

    So now, what's a girl to do while laying around all day long? These next few weeks are going to go so slow!

    Thanks for all your concern and I'll KUP with any changes.
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    How u doing, girlfriends?
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    Oh, honey- I am praying for you!! I know Reece will be ok - it's the bed-rest you've got to endure that wories me!! lol

    All kidding aside, I do hope she can stay in at least 2 more weeks. This must be so tough to worry about trying not to stress/worry and stay calm and rested!!

    Thank you for the updates and all the best to the 3 of you!!

    *thinking of you*
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    Hey girlfriends... how're you doing? Been a couple of days now...
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    Well, she's doing okay. We had a scare on Friday...went in for our regular non stress test and she was non-reactive, so they immediatly sent us to the hospital. They done more testing, on better equipment than my OB's office, and she was looking good. I had lots of Braxton Hick's contractions yesterday along with tons of cramping, so I'm hoping that she's just slowly preparing my body for delivery.

    Thanks for checking in on us!
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    Mom?? DP?? Reece Tigger Nicole :)?? How're you all doing?
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    Hullo?? Yoo-hoo?? How're you guys?
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    Just a quick update since I can't sleep...

    Went in for our regular bi-weekly non stress test...it looked "okay" but the doctor still wanted to see me. She checked me and said that Reece has already dropped and that she could already feel her head. (Sorry, TMI) Then because of all of the pressure and cramps, she decided to go ahead and do another ultrasound. The u/s showed that my amniotic fluid is low...it could be caused by many reasons, but she thinks mine is from the pre-eclampsia and high BP, but no matter what the cause is, the outcome is the same. They want me drink as much water that I can possibly drink over the next two days and come back in on Friday to check the levels again. If they are still low, they will have to take Reece. I guess it can replace itself, but only to a certain extent. Oh, and I'll be 35 weeks on Friday.

    Here's some info on it if you're interested...

    Misty and Carla
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    At work... and praying... c'mon Reece... just one more week, sweetie... one more week...
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    MandC- keep drinking the water!!! I saw that you posted sometime in the middle of the night...try to relax, though I can't imagine how you are feeling right now. I just wanted to let you know I am keeping you and baby Reece in my prayers.
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    Thinking of you and hoping Reece is able to stay in a little while longer.
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    I hope all is going well for you! the stress and worries of pregnancy are many!! We found out a few weeks ago that the placenta is low and partially covering the cervix. I just think these little ones want to make their own grand entrances the way they want to and not the way we want them to!! :0)
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    jesselynn...sleep is very limited for me right now. I think it's a combination of stress, heartburn and nesting. I'm getting paranoid about her coming any day and things not being ready. I really don't know what else I could do to be ready, but I just wake up worrying if there's anything else I can do. Wierd, I know.

    momX2...thanks...I'll update after our appointment tomorrow. :)

    deblute...I had the same thing early on...mine, like most, eventually moved up and out of the way over time. It seems like it was normal by like 24 weeks. Hopefully yours will do the same.
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    Hey girl... how you doin'?
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    Thinking of you guys!!! Truly, hope things go well - looks like it will be very soon!!

    Embrace the good - this is an exciting time, albeit not how you would plan it, but I think things will work out!! Reece has been a pretty tough cookie so far, I don't think she'll punk-out now! :)

    Praying for the best...
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    Hey sisters... good morning...

    While Reece isn't "my" daughter, I'd like for you to take time and send a prayer to Misty and Carla and to pray for her. Today is the day they find out whether she will make it another week or they have to take her now... whatever you're doing when you read this, please just say a prayer for Reece, Misty and Carla... thanks.
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    tigger...thank you...it means so much to have people that truly care. We appreciate it! I left an update on the new thread that you started.

    Thanks again,
    Misty, Carla and Reece
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    Praying for sure!!!!
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